RUUTE Scholars Overview
RUUTE Scholars
The University of Utah Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine combines innovative learning with excellence in research and clinical care. With the goal of serving our state, the healthcare profession, a growing patient population, and the Intermountain community and beyond, we believe our medical school is not only of Utah, but for Utah. This vision aligns with the opportunities within the School of Medicine where medical education "strives to emphasize community, relationships, and professionalism in the learning culture" through the Exceptional Education Experience (ELE).
The RUUTE Scholars Program is just one way which SFESOM strives to serve Utah and the Intermountain West by facilitating a variety of experiences which prepare future doctors for the challenges for rural and underserved medicine. RUUTE accepts up to 20 matriculated medical students into the RUUTE Scholars Program each academic year. Students apply to the RUUTE Scholars program during their secondary application to the SFESOM.
United by their passion for rural and underserved medicine, each cohort participates in a variety of rural experiences including research, outreach experiences, clinical engagement, and elective courses throughout all four years of medical school. The RUUTE program provides programs that engage students in community based rural programs through medical school. Programs of similar structure and missions across the nation show data there is twice as likely to match into primary care specialties such as family medicine 1. RUUTE strives to create similar programs and experiences for students in Utah, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.
- Quinn KJ, Kane KY, Stevermer JJ, Webb WD, Porter JL, Williamson HA Jr, Hosokawa MC. Influencing residency choice and practice location through a longitudinal rural pipeline program. Acad Med. 2011 Nov;86
RUUTE Scholars Overview
Our Mission
To improve medical education and training, health care access and long-term socio-economic benefit for rural and underserved communities of Utah by expanding interest, awareness, and placement of students and physicians.
To find more ways to donate towards rural medical student scholarships, please visit the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine Website.
Please contact the RUUTE Team with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Email: RUUTE@umail.utah.edu