Free COVID-19 Training for Workers

We are pleased to provide free COVID-19 training for U.S. workers called “Work Safe, Live Safe.” This exclusive online training course provides expert guidance on health, safety, virus prevention, employee rights, and COVID-19 policy. Powered by new innovations in eLearning, this program utilizes machine learning software that adapts to learners of all backgrounds and experience.
How long does the course take?
The course takes approximately 2 hours from start to finish and students are awarded 0.2 Continuing Education Credits on completion.
What do I need to take the course?
Access is easy and requires only an internet connection on any device. No software downloads are required.
How much does the course cost?
Access to this course is supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), which allows us to offer it for free.
Where can I find the course?
The training is available at
or go to cert.hazready.com
Select courses
Select “ONLINE TRAINING – Live Safe, Work Safe. COVID-19 Basics (Employees)”
Select Register
In addition to the free employee training, more in-depth training for managers and business owners is available through Equanimity Media. Visit the links below on how to offer this training to your workforce today.