VA Inpatient
This rotation is a mixture of inpatient rehabilitation management as well as performing in-hospital consults at a large VA medical center. During the rotation, the resident will gain exposure to a breadth of disorders that require rehabilitation services. There is ample opportunity in these settings for one-on-one interactions with faculty. The emphasis is on providing the highest quality clinical care and rehabilitation to disabled veterans. Opportunities for direct observation in physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, round out this training rotation.
VA NeuroRehab Clinics
This outpatient experience includes rotations in PM&R stroke, spinal cord, amputee and general rehabilitation clinics. The resident also performs a large number of electrodiagnostic studies under direct attending supervision; experience in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation and the muscular dystrophy clinic is also included in this rotation. Valuable exposure to systems of care available to veterans is obtained.

This rotation will specifically focus on the comprehensive rehabilitation and outpatient management of individuals with cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine pathology, peripheral joint and musculoskeletal disorders, pain management, palpation and ultrasound guided procedures and basic ultrasound musculoskeletal evaluations in the VA Medical Center outpatient setting.
The resident on this service attends PM&R outpatient clinics with an emphasis on medicine. The rotation allows the resident to further develop their physical diagnosis and independent clinical decision-making skills. Residents will experience in an interdisciplinary musculoskeletal clinic and joint injection clinic. The resident also participates in the prosthetic and orthotic clinics and performs electrodiagnostic studies. Valuable exposure to systems of care available to Veterans is also obtained.
This rotation will specifically focus on the comprehensive rehabilitation and outpatient management of individuals with peripheral musculoskeletal disorders including palpation and ultrasound guided procedures as well as diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound evaluations in the VA Medical Center outpatient setting.

This rotation also offers experience in a variety of outpatient rehabilitation clinics with an emphasis on training in electrodiagnosis. During this time, the resident has opportunity to perform electrodiagnostic studies with a number of different faculty from both PM&R and neurology. Direct experience in musculoskeletal radiology is provided on this rotation.
This outpatient experience includes rotations in interdisciplinary musculoskeletal, amputation, and polytrauma clinics as well as peripheral joint and spinal injection clinics. The resident also engages in continuous quality improvement efforts and designs one project during the month. Residents will have exposure to two attendings during the musculoskeletal clinics, providing depth of knowledge and breadth of skills. Valuable exposure to systems of care available to Veterans is obtained.