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Curriculum Map Database

Click on the Medical Education Tab, then Coordinator Reports to access:

  1. Canvas Course Report: This page has 3 reports. The most helpful for you will be the second report, Instruction and Assessment List. This is a comprehensive list of every instructional event and assessment that is entered into Canvas. It will include the course name, the name of the session/assignment/assessment, the learning objectives, faculty, date/time, modalities, resources, and related concepts. You can limit this report by academic year or class year, and you can filter the report to look for a certain course or term. You can also export it into an Excel spreadsheet to make any notes or adjustments.
  2. Canvas Keyword Report: This report allows you to search for concepts or keywords to see where content is covered in the curriculum. You can limit by a number of fields but you’ll have the most success if you only limit to academic year. The information pulled from this report comes from all of the information in Canvas, including power point slides, readings, learning objectives, and any metadata related to a session.


  1. Access your account using the email you should have received from Examsoft. If you can't find/didn't receive the email, contact Kerri Shaffer ( to have it re-sent to you.
  2. Log in and select "Questions" from the top menu.
  3. Choose "Questions by Category" from the menu on the left. This will allow you to view and export questions by course, USMLE topic, Bloom's level, UUSOM Competency, and Discipline.

Medical School Objectives Database

This database was created by Sage Arbor at Marian University. It allows you to search for domains to see what objectives national societies have created for student competencies. The topics are further broken down by discipline/specialty and, in many cases, are mapped to ACGME competencies, which are closely aligned with our own program objectives. This will be particularly useful as you set goals for your domain and align them with UUSOM program objectives.


In the left navigation menu, select Admin, then Medical School Courses. This will allow you to take a deeper dive into any particular Canvas course to get a sense of when content is being taught and assessed, and at what level.

USMLE Content Outline

While the content outline doesn’t provide a comprehensive or granular view of what should be taught/assessed, it can be helpful to discover relevant keywords with which to search the curriculum map. To get a better sense of what might be covered on the Steps 1 and 2, we have copies of First Aid in the Core Educator Library (room 1C111).

Template for Curriculum Proposal 

When submitting a proposal to the Curriculum Committee for a substantive change to the curriculum, please include the following information:

  • Overview/ Description of Intervention
  • Needs statement
    Describe the current environment, existing issue, and how your proposal supports the mission and purpose of the SOM.
  • Evidence
    Provide data (research, scholarship, surveys, focus groups) that supports your proposal. Include whether or not there are existing opportunities to meet the above need.
  • Resources
    Describe the resources your proposal will require, including but not limited to: salaries, staff support, facilities, training (e.g. faculty development), marketing/outreach, technology, textbooks.
  • Evaluation
    Describe your evaluation methods and how you will know your proposal was successful.
  • Additional information
    Anything else you would like to include that supports your proposal.

Additional Resources

For more information on course and assessment design, see the Faculty Development Resources page