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Julie Emmond

Julie Emmond, MD

  • Medical Areas of Interest

    Rural Psychiatry | Collaborative Care | Advocacy and Health Policy | Neuropsychiatry

    Interests & Hobbies

    Hiking, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, kayaking, music, spending time with family

    Why Utah?

    The University of Utah Psychiatry Idaho track is the best of both worlds for my career interests, with the opportunity to train at an academic medical center in Salt Lake City, then in Pocatello, Idaho, navigating mental health care with the resources of a more rural community. I am passionate about expanding mental health care in rural and mountain communities in the Mountain West, where there are unique mental health challenges in addition to being underserved. This residency program will prepare me to jump right in and find my place in the larger conversations about how we deliver and integrate psychiatric care.


    Amherst, NH