Healthy Minds - Your Gift Matters
The Department of Psychiatry is committed to advancing brain and behavioral health care through compassionate patient services, exceptional medical education, training, and collaborative, high impact translational research. As we strive to expand and enhance our clinical, educational and research resources, we rely upon the generosity of individual donors, foundations, and corporations, to support our devotion to excellence in each of these areas. Gifts of all sizes are instrumental in achieving our goals; even the smallest gift helps make a profound difference in people's lives. We invite you to get in touch with us and explore the many opportunities available to participate in our Department initiatives. Partner with us to individualize your wishes and further our vital work of giving our communities’ healthier minds and better lives. Some examples of funds actively utilized include:
Development Fund
Your gift to the Department's General Development Fund provides essential resources for the deployment of new initiatives in patient care, the expansion of educational programs, and the development of new research for the detection of risk, early intervention and improvements in the treatment of psychiatric illnesses.
General Research Fund
This fund allows for the Department's research enterprise to both recruit nationally for emerging new research avenues and support current research efforts. This enables the Department to recruit and retain outstanding investigators who foster scientific excellence within the institution. These funds also recognize extraordinary and innovative research achievements by exceptional faculty and students.
Depression Research Fund
Fifteen percent of our population will suffer from depression at some point of time in their lives – every age, race, religion and economic level. Our patients participate in our research efforts and are in need of the discoveries that will make a difference in their lives. By contributing to this fund, you will help support cutting-edge research for earlier detection, new and more effective personalized treatments, ultimately aiding in the prevention and better treatment of depression and other mood disorders.
Addiction Psychiatry Fund
Addiction and substance abuse are at epidemic proportions. Our Addiction Psychiatry Fund fosters research and education in Addiction Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, including trainings and educational activities at the state and national level. We are strongly focused on the development of new research programs to understand the individualized causes that lead to substance use disorders and the development and deployment of new treatment. Donations also support travel awards for residents and fellows to attend national meetings and conferences.
Autism Hope Fund
Gifts contributed to this fund subsidize the cost of autism spectrum disorder diagnostic assessments and treatment plans for uninsured and underinsured individuals with financial need.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic Fund
The money donated to this fund provides opportunity to expand clinical care and research of the University of Utah's Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic (ASDC), which partners with individuals and families to improve the lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorder. The Clinic is a collaboration between the Department of Psychiatry, the Neurobehavior HOME Program, and the Huntsman Mental Health Institute (formerly the University Neuropsychiatric Institute or UNI).
Your gift makes a difference and can take a variety of forms, including cash, stocks and bonds, planned estate gifts and pledges. It can be restricted and used only as you specify, or unrestricted and applied to the area of greatest need. For information on these options and any other philanthropic questions you may have, please contact:
Anne Asman, MS
Director of Advancement and Outreach
Ways to Give
Cash Gifts
Gifts of cash are often the easiest way to give to the department. An outright gift may also be 100% tax deductible with the IRS depending upon your personal circumstances. Gifts in any amount make a difference. Cash, checks, or credit/debit card transactions can be processed online, by mail, or over the phone.
A pledge can be paid out over a period of three to five years and allows the you to commit to a larger gift amount while enjoying the tax benefits of the actual amount given in a specific calendar year. Many endowments are funded this way.
Endowed Gifts
An endowment is a gift that is invested and not spent immediately. Typically, interest accrued on the endowment is used, which provides reliable income into perpetuity. As such, an endowed fund is a permanent source of support for the department and is an excellent vehicle for honoring or memorializing someone important to you.
Matching Gifts
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. If you work for a matching company, your gift increases significantly. To find out if your employer will match your contribution, simply check with your Human Resources Department.
Planned Gifts
For many donors, an outright gift is not the best option. Carefully planned gifts such as bequests, life insurance and real estate can offer significant estate-tax and income benefits, while at the same time allowing donors to make larger gifts to the University than would otherwise be possible.
Securities, Stocks, Property
Your gift of appreciated securities, like stock held in a brokerage account or by you in stock certificates, or gifts of property have the potential to provide you with a charitable tax deduction and avoid capital gains tax while satisfying your philanthropic interests.
Memorial & Honorary Gifts
Many opportunities exist to make gifts to the Department in memory or honor of a loved one, friend, or as a special thank you to someone in your life.
Named Gifts
We offer many opportunities to contribute named gifts in honor or memory of loved ones and friends or even as a special thank you to your favorite health care provider.
Support Healthy Minds, Give Today
Please help the Department of Psychiatry to expand our clinical care, research and academic programs. Donate here!