The 6th annual Imaging Elevated Symposium brought together over 120 researchers, students, staff and honored guests for two days of exploration and enjoyment. Co-chairs of this year's symposium were Chun Yuan, PhD, Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Douglas Rogers, MD, Assistant Professor in Abdominal Imaging, and Maryam Soltanolkotabi, MD, Assistant Professor in Musculoskeletal Imaging.

The event started on Friday, September 29, 2022 with an opening address by AVP for research at U of Utah Health, Rachel Hess, MD, MS. Dr. Hess shared her vision for a bright future where research at U of U Health continues to grow and position us as a top university in the country for medical research.
This was followed by a passionate keynote address from the Chair of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania, Mitchell Schnall, MD, PhD. Schnall displayed his deep knowledge of breast imaging research, grant writing, and dedication to advancing overall radiology research.

The next session was devoted to preclinical imaging, with talks from Shreya Goel, PhD, a faculty member in the Departments of Molecular Pharmaceutics, Radiology and Imaging Sciences, and Biomedical Engineering; Jan Kubanek, PhD, from the Department of Biomedical Engineering; and Anuja Sharma, PhD, from the VAST Research Lab, Department of Otolaryngology. This session also included a panel discussion moderated by Donna Cross, PhD, a faculty member in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences.
New this year, two power pitch and poster sessions followed the Preclinical Imaging session. Our own researchers were joined by researchers from across the School of Medicine and College of Engineering to pitch great ideas for future scientific breakthroughs. The sessions were very well received and sparked much conversation.
1. Xiaodong Ma, PhD
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
2. Vincent Koppelmans, PhD
Department of Psychiatry
3. Seong-Eun Kim, PhD
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
4. Sixiang Shi, PhD
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
5. Ken Monson, PhD
Department of Mechanical Engineering
6. Kazem Hashemizadeh, PhD
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
1. Dan Cushman, MD
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehab
2. Monique Cho, MD
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension
3. Ravi Ranjan, MD
Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
4. Sinead Culleton, MBBCh BAO
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
5. Amanda Sandoval Karamian, MD
Department of Pediatric Neurology
The top researcher power pitches were awarded to Ken Monson, PhD and Sixiang Shi, PhD.
The top clinician power pitches were awarded to Monique Cho, MD, and Amanda Sandoval Karamian, MD.
Friday evening finished with a beautiful and enjoyable Opening Reception on the 6th floor terrace of the S.J. Quinney College of Law. In addition to a gorgeous sunset, we were regaled by the Rene Beltran quartet.

Saturday morning opened with two plenary talks. First, Assistant Professor in Radiology, Grace Zhu, MD, discussed the creation of RadDiscord as an innovative educational tool for medical residents. Next, the scientific plenary was presented by Tim Leiner, MD, PhD, a cardiovascular radiologist at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN and a Professor of Radiology at Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht. Leiner enthusiastically engaged the audience in a comprehensive vision for connecting the worlds of clinical radiology and AI.

The next session was devoted to artificial intelligence/machine learning, with talks from Sarang Joshi, DSc, a faculty member in the Departments of Bioengineering and the SCI Institute; Tolga Tasdizen, PhD, from the Department of Engineering and the SCI Institute; and Shandian Zhe, PhD, from the School of Computing. This session also included a panel discussion moderated by Ed DiBella, PhD, a faculty member in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, and Rong-Rong Chen, PhD, in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

The final two and a half hours of Imaging Elevated presented attendees with a wealth of activities to attend:
The Trainee Poster Competition had 7 graduate students and one resident presenting their research. 1st prize went to Nicholas Richards from Biomedical Engineering, 2nd prize to Max Monson from Radiology and Imaging Sciences, and 3rd prize to Samuel Adams from Biomedical Engineering.
The Clinical Case Competition was held with 19 medical students and residents presenting interesting imaging-related cases to the faculty judges. 1st prize went to Gregory Mayer (med student), 2nd to Kristie Yang, MD (resident), and 3rd to Jennison Cull (med student).

Finally, the Academic-Industry Roundtable Discussion, moderated by Satoshi Minoshima, MD, PhD, was a fascinating discussion between leaders in major radiology-related companies and our academic leadership.
By all accounts, the symposium was an enjoyable and edifying experience for attendees and presenters alike, spawning many good discussions and ideas for collaborative ideas. We look forward to next year!
Recordings, Posters and the Trivia Game

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