Radiology Research
A Welcome from our Vice Chair

Radiology is the heart of modern medicine. The ability to peer into the human body determines how we diagnose and understand disease and injury, as well as how we develop treatment plans. The better the images, the more accurate the diagnosis and the more effective the treatment.
Our research program within the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences is dedicated to the science and application of advanced imaging in all of its modalities: MR, CT, nuclear medicine, and ultrasound. We have a robust team of talented faculty who also work on the underlying mechanics and algorithms that make these technologies work, and a growing interest in machine learning applications to help make radiologic information more effective in medicine.
We are focused on creating more integration of our imaging science expertise and clinical applications in major medical domains, such as cardiovascular, vascular, cancer, renal, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, transplant and others.
We support our research groups with a team of professionals. From grant administration to compliance specialists, we ensure that the research we do is well-funded, fully compliant, and broadly disseminated.
Please explore our website to learn more about our technologies, facilities, support teams, and especially the research groups and their work. -Chun Yuan, PhD.