2024 Dean's Reception Program
Sara Lamb, MD
Vice Dean of Medical Education
Dr. Sara Lamb presenting:
- The Outstanding Student in Anesthesiology are John Tokle and Stan Memmott.
- The Outstanding Student in Emergency Medicine is Maddi Ekey.
- The Utah Academy of Physicians' F. Marian Bishop, Family Medicine Outstanding Senior Award went to Harper Christiansen.
- The Outstanding Student in Internal Medicine is Matthew Glasgow.
- The Outstanding Student in Neurology is Lilly Kanishka.
- The Michael W. Worley Outstanding Student in OB/Gyn went to Saja Hassoun.
- The recipient of the Lincoln Clark Award for Outstanding Performance in Clinical Psychiatry is Courtney Rada.
- The Outstanding Student in Surgery is Cameron Arkin.
The Gold-Headed Cane Award was initiated by the late Dr. Clifford Snyder, Professor Emeritus of Surgery and Associate Dean for Special Projects. Dr. Snyder designed and donated a replica of the early cane, with the recipients' names inscribed in gold, which is on permanent display at the Eccles Health Sciences Library. The award dates from the 17th Century, when the cane was handed down from physician to physician.
The award is presented to a senior medical student who has shown exemplary interest in patient care, and is voted on by the students themselves. The recipients name will be placed on a perpetual plaque in the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine and will also receive a framed medallion.
This year's Gold-Headed Cane recipient is Kirsi Anselmi-Stith.
The Florence M. Strong Award is named for a woman who was an Administrative Assistant to six Deans of the medical school over a span of 25 years and it was established by our alumni to honor her contributions to the medical school. The award goes to a student who exemplifies outstanding qualities and potential as a physician and has a sincere understanding of compassion for their patients. The award includes a plaque and a gift of $250.
The Strong Award goes to Saja Hassoun.
The Dean's Award, which includes a plaque and a gift of $500, is presented to a senior medical student who has exhibited superior scholarship, dedication, keen interest in the patient as a person and outstanding performance in clinical medicine.
The Dean's Award goes to Matthew Glasgow.
The Cameron C. Lewis, M.D., Compassion in Medicine Award was established in memory of Dr. Cameron Lewis, who tragically passed away during her second year as a Pathology resident. Dr. Lewis exemplified the ideal of compassionate medicine. She was an Assistant Director at the blood bank and participated in many outreach programs. Dr. Lewis was known by peers and friends as an incredibly caring physician. Even through death, she managed to care for others; she donated her heart, so that another could live.
A plaque and $1,000 prize is presented annually to a senior medical student, who has demonstrated a combination of community concern and exceptional compassion in medicine.
This year's recipient is Michaela Kowalewski.
The Leonard Tŏw Humanism in Medicine Award presented by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation, recognizes the value of humanism in the delivery of care to patients and their families. It is presented annually to a graduating medical student who exemplifies both scientific excellence and compassionate care giving.
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation presents the award's recipient with a certificate and gift of $500.
This year's award recipient is Telisha Tausinga.
Every year an outstanding Ph.D. graduate is honored with the James W. Prahl Memorial Award for the Outstanding Graduate Student in Biological or Biomedical Sciences. The award was established in memory of a former faculty member who died in 1979, and it recognizes excellence in the pursuit of scientific knowledge basic to the understanding of medicine.
With both an M.D. and Ph.D. degree, Dr. Prahl was both a physician and a scientist. He approached his science and his life with verve and intensity, and he set the highest standard for excellence in both. The graduate student who best exemplified the qualities embodied by Dr. Prahl will receive a plaque and $1,000.
The recipients of the Prahl Award are Diego Armando Lopez and Autumn McKnite.
The Paul Wintrobe Memorial Award was established by Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell M. Wintrobe in memory of their son. Dr. Maxwell Wintrobe was a renowned Hematologist and one of the founding fathers of the medical school. Dr. Wintrobe died in 1986.
The Wintrobe Award is presented annually to an Outstanding Graduating Senior, based on character, breadth of interest and culture, scholastic attainment, interest in research, and promise for the future.
This year's recipient of the Wintrobe Award of a Plaque and $2,000 is Walid Salah.
Peter Bower presenting:
The School of Medicine Alumni Association 4th Year Award goes to an outstanding member of the class of 2024. This student embodies academic excellence, leadership, and community engagement, qualities crucial for a stellar physician.
This award carries immense significance as it stems from peer nominations, faculty endorsements, and community recognition.
On behalf of the Alumni Association Board, we proudly present the $1,000 Alumni Association 4th Year Award to Lilly Kanishka.
Dr. Paloma Cariello presenting:
The Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Award recognizes faculty members who have made significant contributions to fostering an environment of inclusion in the School of Medicine and the community through innovative leadership, teaching and multicultural programming.
The 2024 recipients of the Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Award are Dr. Juliana Simonetti and Dr. Candace Chow.
The Staff Diversity and Inclusion Award recognizes a staff member who has devoted their time to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. This year's recipient is recognized for their exceptional efforts and being instrumental in revising policies to enhance equity and diversity, leading research on the impact of grief and loss on students and creating inclusive spaces and support systems. Her initiatives have fostered a culture of sensitivity and collaboration, and she has advocated for consistent support from faculty during students' adverse life events. Her work represents a significant commitment to improving the education environment for all students. Through various initiatives, the recipient has made a significant impact on the school's culture and the wellbeing of its community.
This year's Staff Diversity and Inclusion Award recipient is Meghan Sullivan.
The Student Diversity and Inclusion Award is peer-nominated and recognizes a graduating student who has made significant contributions to creating a sense of belonging and respect in the School of Medicine. This year's recipient has been a relentless champion for diversity, equity, and inclusion during his tenure at the School of Medicine. He championed the declaration of racism as a public health crisis, and although the bill did not pass, his efforts were influential in Salt Lake City's acknowledgment of the issue. His dedication extends from participation in local civil rights marches to his influential roles in establishing the first Student National Medical Association (SNMA) chapter at the School of Medicine, enhancing the voice of diversity both locally and nationally. He served on the Anti-Racism Commission and actively participated as a mentorship fellow, guiding mentees through the process of medical school application and professional development. His efforts to unite and provide networking platforms have created a nurturing and open space for shared experiences.
This year's Student Diversity and Inclusion Award is Olaoluwa Omotowa.
Stoles are conferred to our graduating Leadership Fellows from the Office of Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OHEDI). The Leadership Fellowship program has empowered these exceptional individuals to provide guidance to pre-medical students, aiding their journey to medical school. The Fellows have also made significant strides in advocacy, implementing projects that enrich our learning communities.
I would like to welcome up Jordan Brown, Sharu Kannan, Olaoluwa Omotowa, Jaime Talleh, Eric Tokita, and Siale Teaupa.
Dr. Sara Lamb presenting:
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation also annually presents the Leonard Tŏw Humanism in Medicine Award to a faculty member who exemplifies both scientific excellence and compassionate care giving. The Arnold P. Gold Foundation presents each award recipient with a lifetime membership in the Fold Humanism Honor Society, a certificate, and a gift of $500.
This honor is student nominated and selected, and this year's recipient, as chosen by the Class of 2024, is Associate Professor and Hospitalist within the Department of Internal Medicine, director for the Phase 3 Internal Medicine clerkship and Phase 4 Sub-Internship, and Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine residency: Dr. Katie Lappe.
The Leonard W. Jarcho, M.D., Distinguished Teaching Award, was established in memory of one of the founding fathers of the four-year medical school. Dr. Jarcho joined the faculty in 1952 and established its first Neurology Program, serving as the original Chair of the department until he attained emeritus status in 1986.
This award is presented to an outstanding medical educator who demonstrates exceptional skill and dedication in teaching and advising medical students, interns, residents or fellows.
The 2024 Jarcho Award recipient of a plaque and a gift of $3,000 is Dr. Kathryn Moore.
The James L. Parking, M.D., Award for Outstanding Clinical Teaching was established in honor of a physician who, during his distinguished career in Otolaryngology at the medical school, made significant contributions to medicine and to Utah's higher education. Dr. Parkin served as Chair of the Department of Surgery and developed our first faculty practice organization.
The Parking Award, a plaque and a gift of $2,000, honors a faculty member, selected by the graduating medical students, for outstanding clinical medical teaching.
This year's recipient is Dr. Jennifer Cotton.
The Dr. Clark Lowe Rich Distinguished Surgeon and Mentor Award honors Dr. Rich who was a gifted diagnostician, and surgeon with unusual insight and a caring demeanor. Dr. Rich's daughter, the late Sally Rich Burbidge Cassity, established this award in memory of her father and his gifted hands.
The Clark Lowe Rich Award, an award and gift of $3,000, honors an outstanding surgeon who has demonstrated exceptional skill and dedication in the field of Surgery including teaching, advising and mentoring medical students, interns and residents or fellows here at the University of Utah.
This year's recipient of the Clark Lowe Rich Distinguished Surgeon and Mentor Award goes to Professor of Surgery, and Program Director of the Integrated and Traditional Cardiothoracic surgery training programs: Dr. Sara Pereira.
This year's recipient has gone above and beyond to give our students an exceptional experience. Her efforts around professional identity formation and RealMD have solidified and grown the program, meanwhile she's seamlessly expanded her role to running multiple programs, serving as one of the inaugural house advisors, starting and maintaining our mentor network, being a role model for students, interfacing with faculty, and working as a truly outstanding member of our team. She is meticulous in her preparation and planning and cares deeply for students, staff, and faculty. Even during difficult times of change, she does everything she can to adapt and work through the challenges always thinking of meeting with students' needs along the way.
So, with great pleasure, congratulations, Brittany Wonsor, and thank you for your invaluable contributions to medical education.
This year's recipient has risen to the challenge of navigating support for new coursework and is one of the backstage heroes of the new curriculum preparing the doctoring coaches and course heads for their new role. She is meticulous in her planning and organization. She is one of the most reliable members of the curriculum team leading into the new Phase 1 of MD Curriculum. She became an important point of contact for the SCoPE course, responding to last-minute changes in activities with perseverance. She always demonstrates an attitude of inclusion and positivity with everyone.
So, with great pleasure, congratulations, Ashley Hall, and thank you for your invaluable contributions to medical education.
Dr. Kathy Moore presenting:
The Students as Teachers Pathway starts from the premise that every patient encounter is a teaching opportunity. Over the course of four years, students explore teaching pedagogies such as adult learning theory, learn about teaching opportunities in residency and beyond and they practice and reflect upon teaching in the classroom, at the bedside, and to patients, families, colleagues and peers alike. Our goal is to give students the foundational knowledge and tools to succeed in academic medicine or wherever their clinical journeys take them.
Students with Capstones:
We have 6 students completing Capstones.
- Steven Grossen: "Less Broccoli, More Games: Driving Health System Science Learning Through Gamification"
- Kyril Cole: "Development of a Residents as Teachers curriculum for neurosurgical training programs"
- Elsha Eggink: "Pathology Education Reimagined: Interactive Teaching Methods for IBD in Pathology"
- Katrina Hillam: "Building Bridges: Connecting Embryology and Anatomy in Gross Anatomy Lab"
- Harper Christensen: "Monitoring At-Home Blood Pressure: Patient Education in Primary Care"
- Sarmishta Diraviam-Kannan: "Behind the scenes to the frontlines: The spectrum of MedEd from a student perspective"
Those without Capstones:
- Ellenor Chi
- Paighton Noel
Dr. Angie Fagerlin presenting:
The Population Health Pathway provides students with an introduction to the importance of population health sciences and to career opportunities for physicians in population health sciences. We congratulate the followings tudent on completing this pathway.
Graduate Certificate in Population Health Sciences
- Koko Novak
- Siale Teaupa
- Cornelia Keyser
Population Health Pathway
- Taylor French
- Matthew Glasgow
- Rachel Griffin
- Trevor J Hoggan
- Madison Larsen
- Hannah Tanner
- Charles Teames III
Dr. Brock O'Neil presenting:
The Value Driven Healthcare Pathway introduces students to fundamental concepts in healthcare improvement, including quality improvement, patient safety, patient experience, and cost.
Congratulations to the Value-Driven Healthcare Pathway students:
- Michael Adkins
- Christopher Christiansen
- Elsha Eggink
- Merodean Huntsman
- Olaoluwa Omotowa
- John Tokle
- Matthew Wells
- Jacob Williamson
Dr. Ty Dickerson presenting:
In 2016, the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine responded to calls from our medical student body to develop a formal education track related to global health. Soon after, we implemented the Graduate Certificate in Global Medicine, a 4-year, longitudinal curriculum encompassing a defined set of clinical, didactic, online and international experiential learning and training activities related to global health. Eleven exceptional students from the class fo 2024 were successful in completing the 15 course credits and other activities required for successful completion of this program and will graduate with a combined M.D. & Graduate Certificate in Global Medicine.
It is with great please that we present to you the 2024 awardees. Each student's capstone project title will follow their name.
- Saja Mohamad Hassoun: "Cervical Cancer Screening and Alternatives to Screening in Low Resource Areas"
- Courtney Rada: "The Premarital Exam: A Controversial Cultural Tool for Gynecological Care in Utah"
- Nicola Elise Lanier: "Evaluating the Impact of a Student-Run Global Health Case Competition"
- Sophia Anne Elmore Grazian: "The Gender Gap in Healthcare Access in Latin America & The Caribbean"
- Heather Cummins: "The Impact of Intravenous versus Oral Antibiotics on Treatment Outcomes in Bone and Joint Infections"
- Sarmishta Diraviam Kannan: "Holistic treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease in the Māori Population"
- Telisha Tausinga: "Preferences for Autologous Reconstructive modalities for Breast Reconstruction in Native American Women"f
- Merodean Huntsman: "Transgender and Gender Diverse Care: A Global Perspective"
Dr. David Sandweiss presenting:
Over 4-years and 15-credits, these trailblazing scholars focused their studies on caring for medically underserved communities. Through the support of a generous HRSA grant and guidance from our medical school leadership, this transformative program goes beyond mere education, enhancing clinical opportunities, building community partnerships, and promoting inter-professional collaboration. As we honor their dedication and the indelible mark they've left on the TRUE Program, let us applaud the commitment of these 14 future leaders, as they advance health equity. Several of our students elected to complete capstones in teams of 2.
- Kirsi Anselmi-Stith & Kim Doane: Rose park Student Led Clinic Transitions of Care: A Warm Handoff Project
- Cameron Arkin & Tsivya Devereaux: Sustainable access to resources among unsheltered Navajo in Four Corners Region
- Michaela Kowalewski & Michael Birdsall: Rural stories of disability: An analysis of an educational intervention
- Liam O'Brien & Hannah Holik: An Approach To Medically Complex Patients at a Non-Profit Therapeutic Riding Organization
- Sam Johnson & Andrew Jones: Improving Utilization of Point-of-Care US in Rural Hospital Providers via Peer-to-Peer Education
- Alena Lovi-Borgmann & Leah Millsap: The Feasibility of Artificial Intelligence for Translating After-Visit Summaries
- Lilly Kanishka: Implementation of an Anti-Racist Curriculum Through Resident Didactics
- Madison Ekey: Implementing an Ultrasound Curriculum at the University of Utah Rose Park Primary Care Clinic
Dr. Tricia Petzold & Dr. Amy Locke presenting:
It is with great pride that we send these graduates out to care for patients and help create the healthcare of the future. As all U of Utah medical students, they are equipped to find disease and provide cutting edge treatments. Additionally, these 9 students have developed a foundation of caring for the whole person and identifying health within each person, regardless of the level of pathology. Through this lens, they will optimize wellness and healing for themselves, their colleagues, and their patients in a meaningful way.
- Kirsi Anselmi-Stith
- Steven Grossen
- Saja Hassoun
- Katrina Hillam
- Danielle Johnson
- Taelor Johnson
- Kaylee Lebaron
- Hannah Mainor
- Marian Riddoch
Dr. Amy Hawkins presenting:
The Graduate Certificate in Personalized Medicine is a substantial set of elective coursework. The students who completed it are prepared to have deeper conversations with patients and their families about how genes affect health. To honor their work today, rather than handing them a certificate--they'll receive one in the mail from The Graduate School--we're giving them signed copies of a book by one of their personalized medicine professors from the School of Law, Jorge Contreras, "The Genome Defense: Inside the Epic Legal Battle to Determine Who Owns Your DNA." Much of scientific work that formed the basis of that epic legal battle took place here in Salt Lake City at the University of Utah and Myriad Genetics.
The students completing the pathway certificate are:
- Elsha Eggink
- Jenna Jensen
- Koko Novak
- Joseph Reiley
Dr. Adam Stevenson presenting:
- Michael Goodman
- Nico Edgar
- Nathan Sherbotie
- Noah Shephard
- Marina Knysheva
- Hailie Gill
- Robert Merrill
- Telisha Tausinga
- Sridharan Radhakrishnan
- Jenna Jensen
- Eric Tokita
- Sean Battenhorst
- Sierra Starley
The following students are in the top 20% in excellence in academic performance, leadership, research, service, humanistic care, and commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion in your class and are members of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society:
- Ashley Khouri
- Anna Newman
- Heather Cummins
- Devin Froerer
- Ann Rowley
- Sean Batenhorst
- Courtney Rada
- Zack Hansen
- Alena Lovi-Borgman
- Andrew Jones
- Ellenor Chi
- Elsha Eggink
- Scott Adair
- Jacob Winter
- Kaylee Wood
- Kirsi Anselmi-Stith
- Koko Novak
- Matt Glasgow
- Michael Birdsall
- Mitchell Adams
- Sri Radhakrishnan
- Taylor French
- Walid Salah
The following students are in the top 15% in excellence in humanistic clinical care and served in members of the University's chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society.
- Cameron Arkin
- Jordan Brown
- Harper Christiansen
- Tsivya Devereaux
- Elsha Eggink
- Madison Ekey
- Matthew Glasgow
- Eddie Holloway
- Alexis Isbell
- Jenna Jensen
- Taelor Johnson
- Lilly Kanishka
- Ola Omowata
- Sri Radhakrishnan
- Telisha Tausinga
- Caroline Wang Crocker
- Jacob Winter
- Siale Teaupa
The following students have been a privilege to work with. They were screened and vetted by the program's Co-Presidents and Deans of Education for their excellence from amongst students interested in participating in the Medical Student Ambassador Program. The Student Ambassadors provide a face for the student body to visiting dignitaries and guests.
- Harper Christensen
- Alan Clegg
- Kyril Cole
- Sharu Diraviam
- Saja Hassoun
- Keith Kuo
- Kaylee Lebaron
- Chance Mccutcheon
- Kristin Nesbitt
- Cassidy Nguyen
- Marian Riddoch
- Telisha Tausinga
Dr. Gretchen Case presenting:
The Award for Written Scholarship in Medical Ethics recognizes a medical student with clear potential to develop a scholarly career in medical ethics. Through the generosity of a faculty donor, this award is given annually by the University of Utah Center for Health Ethics, Arts, and Humanities to a student in the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine on the basis of a written manuscript addressing an ethical issue in medical care or medical research. The award includes a certificate, a $1,500 prize, and faculty support towards publication of the manuscript.
The recipient of the Award for Written Scholarship in Medical Ethics is Shanena Allen, MS2025, for "Obesity and Ethical Concerns in Its Diagnosis, Etiology, and Treatment." The judging panel noted many strengths of Ms. Allen's writing, including her depth of reasoning, thoughtful attention to uncertainties, and well-structured argument. Ms. Allen describes her submission as a way to share her thoughts on the ethical issues in obesity medicine that are often overlooked, which might alienate of harm many of those whom medicine treats.
Kristin Randall presenting:
- Lilly Kanishka
- Telisha Tausinga
Lilly Kanishka presenting:
The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award is included each year to emphasize and nurture the presence of humanistic qualities throughout the medical school environment. An individual who models ethics, empathy, and service in both studt and practice of medicine, lays the foundation of qualities necessary for patient-centered care from which future physicians will build upon.
The student body is proud to give the Arnold P. Gold Foundation Humanism in Medicine Award to Dr. Deepika Reddy.
Dr. Tony Tsai presenting:
The RealMD Coach of the Year Award is an award that recognizes an outstanding RealMD Coach who promotes a greater sense of meaning, community, and purpose in medical education. The coach selected contributes to students' self-discovery, is oriented towards purpose, and acts as an example of the positive professional community the RealMD Program strives to uphold at the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine. The recipient receives an award and $500 prize.
The recipient of the RealMD Coach of the Year Award clinical rheumatologist, assistant professor in the Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine: Dr. Julie Thomas.
The RealMD Mentor of the Year Award recognizes an outstanding faculty member who is an exemplary teacher, advisor and mentor to medical students especially in regards to career planning and exploration. The recipient demonstrates exceptional skills and dedication to helping students succeed in the future career as physicians. The recipient receives an award and $500 prize.
The RealMD Mentor of the Year Award goes to is lead physician for the Hospital Elder Life Program, Clinician Educator at the University of Utah and Veterans Affairs Hospital Clinics, and Director the Clinical Method Curriculum: Dr. Katherine Anderson.
Dr. Tom Hurtado presenting:
The RealMD Purpose in Medical Education Award recognizes two outstanding medical students who have engaged with the RealMD program, found and maintained their purpose, fostered community with their peers, and showed self-determination throughout their medical training. The recipients receive an award and a $250 prize.
This year's recipients are Savannah Gelhard and Tsivya Devereaux.
The RealMD Program would also like to recognize the graduating students who have completed the RealMD Certificate requirements for all four years. This represents significant dedication to the values and activities in the program. The recipient receives a framed copy of the RealMD Manifest. This year's recipients are:
- Elsha Eggink
- Savannah Gelhard
- Katrina Hillam
- Drew Jones
- Michaela Kowalewski
Dr. Megan Fix presenting:
For over 100 years, the American Medical Women's Association or AMWA, has been the progressive voice of organized medicine, addressing the tough issues that affect how medicine is discovered, taught, and practiced. We are women healthcare providers who care about women's health, women's well-being, and women's leadership.
The Glasgow-Rubin Citation for Academic Achievement is an award to women who graduate in the top 10% of their medical school graduating class. I am pleased to present this honor to the following students:
- Ashley Khouri
- Anna Newman
- Heather Cummins
- Taylor French
- Ellenor Chi
- Alena Lovi-Borgmann
MS4 Co-President Telisha Tausinga presenting:
The Outstanding Clinical Staff Award highlights an exceptional clinical staff member whose dedication, expertise, and responsiveness to student needs have left a large impact on their department and beyond.
This recipient has an unwavering commitment to excellence in medical education and is consistently dedicated to ensuring students' clinical experiences run smoothly.
Please join me in congratulating this year's recipient, Carol Stevens.
The Outstanding Deans Office Staff recognizes a staff member whose engagement, efficiency, and positive attitude has elevated our student experience.
This individual is approachable, reliable, and always takes the time to help a student in need. Her ability to multitask and successfully run several initiatives is truly mind-boggling, and the School of Medicine would not be the same without her.
It is our pleasure to present this award to our CV and Resume wizard and RealMD expert, Brittany Wonsor!
The Outstanding Dedication to Peers Award recognizes an individual who consistently goes above and beyond in supporting and assisting their classmates. This recipient demonstrates exceptional commitment to class unity, offering guidance, encouragement, and assistance whenever needed.
This recipient is someone who does everything - big and small - to make the unimaginable somehow manageable. From organizing multiple student group discounts, consistently advocating for our class, and always being a source of positivity, the recipient of this award is someone many in our class look up to. He has brought people together and given back to his peers in their time of need.
So, I have the pleasure of presenting this well-deserved award to the person who really should be on a honeymoon right now, and who will always be my president, Sri Radhakrishnan.
Resident education is a key part of the medical school experience and we are so lucky to be taught and influenced by amazing residents in all specialties. Many residents deserve this award, and we appreciate the impact of all our amazing residents. So, we wanted to take a moment to recognize and applaud all the residents at the U!
The recipient of tonight's award is a resident who has stood out to many of the students in our class. One classmate recalls meeting her as she was finishing a 24-hour call shift and was immediately impressed by her excellent attitude, extensive medical knowledge and approachable bedside manner. She is a phenomenal teacher and often does the small things to make sure students feel like they are a valuable part of the team while also helping learners recognize and acknowledge the difficulties of our medical system. She inspires many of us with her passion and dedication to her patients and to the field of OB/GYN.
Congratulations to Maryam Zeinomar!
It is an honor to recognize an exception pre-clinical educator who has significantly contributed to the foundation of our medical students' knowledge and skills. The individual's dedication, passion, and innovative teaching methods have not only inspired us as future physicians but have also set a standard of excellence in our preclinical education.
This professor captured our hearts during CR&R and continued to impress us throughout our clinical years. His dedication to creating engaging and thoughtful pre-clinical content was palpable, as he helped us live our adolescent dreams of competing in a Hogwarts House Cup. I will also forever think of him when I am reminded about "Poiseuille's" Law-though I may never be successful in understanding, I mean pronouncing it. Many of us also continue to enjoy his medTwitter presence which could not be complete without some Birdie material.
Please join me in congratulating this year's outstanding preclinical instructor for his invaluable impact on our community-Dr. Stephen Jenkins!
MS4 Co-President Bert Merrill presenting:
This award is given to an individual who passionately champions various causes, mobilizes resources, and collaborates with others to bring about positive change, making a lasting impact on the well-being and welfare of their community.
Our first recipient has been an active leader and advocate since day one. She has been involved with refugee advocacy and served as OSR rep. She has empowered our class as a host of the Bundle of Hers podcast, consistently reminding our classmates of the large impact we can have on our patients and community. It is our pleasure to present this award to Lilly Kanishka!
Our second recipient has gone above and beyond to make an impact on everyone around them. As a strong advocate for student clinics, they have improved clinic resources and advocated for underserved patients as a member of the student clinic executive committee. They have a genuine passion for serving underserved populations, especially in their hometown of Rock Springs, and our class always enjoys their laugh and welcoming personality. Congratulations to our second recipient, Kirsi Anselmi-Stith!
As medical students at the U, we are very grateful to have dozens of excellent preceptors as we navigate the wards and clinics for the first time. Each year, one of these excellent preceptors is recognized for their dedication to shaping the next generation of healthcare professionals.
This individual's office door is always open, and this approachability made a huge difference for many of us in our clerkships. Through his expertise, compassion, and unwavering support, he has nurtured the growth and development of our medical students while instilling in them the knowledge and skills necessary to provide exceptional care to children.
Please join me in congratulation this year's outstanding clinical instructor, Dr. Brian Good!
The Dr. Jan Ido Terpstra Memorial Award was established in 2015 to honor Dr. Terpstra after his unexpected passing. Dr. Terpstra excelled as a psychiatrist and he worked vigorously to address the mental health and wellness of the School of Medicine's student body. The award is presented annually to a faculty member or a member of the senior class who displays the same emphasis on compassion, empathy, and class unity that defined Dr. Terpstra.
This year's Dr. Terpstra Memorial Award is someone who is constantly striving to advocate for the well-being of our class. She has held many leadership positions at the U, such as OSR rep, and has utilized these positions to speak out against depression in medical training and injustices in our community. She is a friend to all, an ally to those who need it, and someone I proudly get to call my co-president. Please give it up for the amazing Telisha Tausinga, this year's Dr. Terpstra award winner.
The Outstanding Dedication to Sharing Joy award will have two recipients.
The first recipient has been a cornerstone to our mental health throughout medical school. The only thing better than his weekly memes is his amazing personality and ability to bring out the best in everyone. He served as SBO secretary this past year, blessing us with fantastic emails with stories about his time flying Spirit Airlines and asking questions like who would you rather fight 100 duck-sized DaVinci robots or 1 DaVinci robot-sized duck. Congratulations to Eric Tokita!
Our second recipient has the ability to make any smile at any given time--even if you are finishing up hour 27 of your 24-hour shift. Her laugh is infectious, and she has constantly helped remind us of our "why" in medicine as a RealMD Co-facilitator. She is one of the only people I would be excited about operating on my heart. Congratulations, and thank you for your happiness, Savannah Gelhard!
For many of us, becoming a doctor has been a calling we have been drawn to since we were kids. Many of us looked up to our pediatricians and physicians and sought to replicate the compassion, excitement, and love they brought to the exam room and beyond. These qualities truly embody our class as well as the wonderful Jane Tyler.
Kate Tyler started medical school as a member of our class with hopes of graduating alongside us and furthering her career as a physician. That plan was put on hold when she found a concerning neurologic finding on her daughter, Jane, while painting her toes. This finding led to the terminal diagnosis of a brainstem tumor that eventually took Jane's life. Many of us had the opportunity to participate in Jane's medical care--a true privilege and honor.
Jane will always be with many in our class, comforting us as we discuss diagnoses with patients, bringing excitement as we hand out stuffies to our little kiddo patients, and providing insight as we thing about our "why" in medicine. The impact Jane will have on our medical careers in undeniable, and because of this, we are beyond excited to award Jane Tyler as an Honorary Member of the MD Class of 2024. Jane's wonderful mother, Kate, father, Topher, and brother, Jude, are here to accept this award on behalf of Jane.
MS4 Co-President Telisha Tausinga presenting:
Jane aspired to be a doctor one day, just like her mom. Jane also saw the incredible, powerful, and intelligent soon-to-be women physicians in her life (many of whom are here in our audience) and dreamed of growing up to be a strong physician just like them. Though Jane could not live her dream, Jane's dream lives on within so many of us.
Our class of 2024 has established the Rainbow Jane Memorial Award to honor her passing on August 22, 2023. This award will now be presented annually to a member of the senior class who displays the same authenticity, effervescence, and bright, bold passion for life that Jane embodied throughout her eight years of life.
I am honored to announce the inaugural recipient of the Rainbow Jane Memorial Award-an individual who embodies all of Jane's qualities and will undoubtedly honor Jane throughout her career as she impacts the lives of countless children. Congratulations to Jane's forever twin-Lexi Steffenbell!