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Visiting Students

2024-2025 Academic Year

The Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine (SFESOM) at the University of Utah will adhere to the Coalition for Physician Accountability's recommendations in the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Visiting students are welcome to complete up to 8 weeks of clinical rotations and an unlimited number of virtual courses.

SFESOM will open its 2025-2026 Academic Year Course Catalog in VSLO and begin accepting applications for visiting students in VSLO on or after April 15, 2025 at 12:00 pm MST, when our students have their schedules for the academic year. More details to be released for the 2025-2026 Catalog will be coming soon.

We currently have early availability for ORTHO 7440, NSURG 7380, and SURG 7340. Other courses will be opened and available on April 15th.

  • 6/9/25-6/22/25



































Important Information for Visiting Students (2024-2025)

  • SFESOM offers senior electives to students, space permitting, that are in good academic standing

  • All applications must be received at least 45 days prior to the start of the requested rotation.
  • A limited number of electives may be requested on one application. Due to limited space and availability of rotations, a change of rotation may not always be possible.
  • Please note that some departments may have earlier deadlines for their rotations.
  • Rotation Date changes will be at the discretion of the department.

** Please contact the Visiting Students Team at if you do not hear from us regarding your documents. Please also check your spam folder. It is the student's responsibility to ensure ALL required documents are submitted per your rotation deadlines. Please also note that some rotations may require earlier submission of documents to account for additional review.** 

Third-year core clinical rotations are not available to visiting students. Students must satisfactorily complete ALL SIX of the following third-year clerkship rotations prior to attending a fourth-year elective:

1. General Internal Medicine

2. Surgery

3. Pediatrics

4. Psychiatry

5. Family Medicine

6. OB/GYN Core

A listing of the SFESOM's electives can be found via the VSLO' Elective Search and filtering for the SFESOM and specialty.

VSLO Required Pre-Decision Documents

When applying for an elective, you and/or your home institution are required to complete and submit the following items:

  1. Evaluation Grade form
  2. Resume (CV)
  3. Transcript
  4. Personal Statement
  5. Photograph
  6. USMLE Step-1 or COMLEX Level 1 Report

Note: Some elective courses require supplemental information 

VSLO Required Post-Decision Documents

After being accepted into an elective, you are required to complete and submit the following items. All documentation must be completed within 12 months prior to the rotation start date and should remain active throughout your rotation.

  1. Application Fee (See more information below)
  2. AAMC Standardized Immunization Form 

  3. Computer Account Protocol Agreement

  4. National Criminal Background Check

  5. 10 Panel Drug Screen

  6. HIPPA Training

  7. OIG Check

  8. National Sex Offender Check

  9. University of Utah Health Attestation Form

Note: Some elective courses require supplemental information 

Other Topics

  • A non-refundable application processing fee—in the amount of $145 for MD Students and $295 for DO Students for each course taken—will be charged after the student accepts an offer to rotate at SFESOM. The difference in the application processing fee for DO students is the result of MD student processing fees are subsidized as part of the relationship SFESOM has with other allopathic medical schools who offer learning experiences during the MD students’ third- and fourth-years.

    The non-refundable application processing fee must be received, through UMarket, within five business days of accepting the offer to rotate. 

    Students who do not submit the required non-refundable processing fee within five business days will have their registration revoked.

  • Housing 

    The University of Utah does not offer housing for visiting students. The University of Utah does not endorse nor is affiliated with any particular off-campus housing provider. The listing of these sites are provided solely as a convenience for visiting students. Housing options include but are not limited to staying with family or friends, Airbnb, RotatingRoom, or similar temporary housing. Other options may include the University Guest House or short-term off-campus rentals


    Parking at the University of Utah is limited. Each lot is assigned a permit (e.g., Permit A, Permit U, etc.) and those with that permit may park at that location. Learn more about parking permits from Commuter Services. Short-term parking and day passes are also available in visitor lots.  

    **Please note that the University of Utah is undergoing extensive construction throughout campus so please give yourself ample time when commuting to and throughout campus.**

    Public Transportation

    Salt Lake City and the surrounding area has multiple public transit options to offer. These include UTA buses, TRAX (with 4 stations on campus), Frontrunner (servicing Davis and Utah counties), and carpool options.

    Campus Facilities

    Visiting students do not get automatic access to facilities (e.g., gym). However, memberships (e.g., monthly pass) are available for purchase.

    Living in Utah

    Utah is a great place to live, explore the numerous things you can do while you visit!

  • Several of our visiting student rotations are done in partnership with Intermountain Health (IHC) at various IHC facilities. These rotations may have additional requirements and/or paperwork. We encourage you to contact us if you have specific questions about these rotations.

  • At the end of the elective period, it will be the visiting student's responsibility to obtain their evaluation of performance/grade from the department faculty. If your medical school requires the evaluation to be on your school's evaluation form, be sure the evaluation form is sent with your application. If an evaluation from your school is not sent with the application, your evaluation will be completed on a SFESOM Evaluation form.

  • Students receiving an MD degree must come from a school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME).

    Students receiving a DO degree must come from a school accredited by the American Osteopathic Association's Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA). DO students are not accepted into all rotations and it is up to the hosting department whether DO students are accepted or not. It is the responsibility of the DO student to ensure the rotation they request will accept DO students.

  • SFESOM does not accept students who are attending a medical school outside of the United States that do not have a current affiliation agreement. For more information, see Global Health Education Program.

    For international queries, please contact Global Health Education at

Coordinator and Student Resources

Additional resources will be added soon!


Contact SFESOM Registrar's Office at

Website Updated February 4th, 2025