Expanding Global Urologic Surgical Access in Rwanda
The Division of Urology, with support from the Center for Global Surgery, launched the Global Urology Initiative and Multinational Partnership for Advancing Capacity and Training in Surgery (GU-IMPACTS) in 2023. The program is a multi-institutional initiative aimed at improving patient access to high-quality urologic care by transferring surgical knowledge and skills across borders.

“We hope that by delivering frequent training and virtual education through a dedicated team, local urologists will gain full competency to treat their own patients,” said Jane Kurtzman, MD, GURS reconstructive urology fellow, and GU-IMPACTS program co-creator. “Eventually, the goal is for them to independently pass knowledge and skills to the next generation of surgeons so the benefits can continue into the future.”
GU-IMPACTS is dedicated to empowering local surgeons and improving patient outcomes in a measurable, safe and sustainable way with the goal of providing patient-centered support. Each country-specific program is designed based on patient and provider need, meaning programs may look different in each location.
To establish new sites, GU-IMPACTS performs a needs-assessment to identify gaps in knowledge, skills and/or access to equipment that is needed for providers to deliver standard-of-care urology to their patients. The program has begun building partnerships in select countries, with the first located in Rwanda.
With a population over 13 million but less than 15 urologists, Rwanda was a logical choice to launch the program. Additionally, a relationship with local physicians already existed, making the process of building a new partnership significantly easier.
The GU-IMPACTS team is collaborating with the Rwanda Urological Association and IVU-Med and plan to continue the partnership for the next five years to teach complex reconstructive surgery. Additional locations are planned, with the next location currently being launched in Cambodia in partnership with the Cambodia Urological Association.