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Recent Accomplishments


Trainee Support Fund

Biochemistry's Trainee Support Fund

Thank you to everyone who donated to Biochemistry's Trainee Support Fund in 2024! These funds will make a difference!
The funds remain open.


What's Your Story?

Every couple of months, we feature a short bio from one of our trainees.  The full interview, along with archived stories appear here.

Onyeka Obidi

Onyeka Obidi

(July 2024)

What drew you to science?

My major pull toward science was sheer curiosity. Right from high school, I became fascinated that natural phenomena could be explained: why the sky is blue, why we can only walk and not fly like birds. The answers to most of these questions came from my science classes, and I wanted to know more and be able to apply scientific reasoning to answer questions about nature. As I progressed, I became more interested in biological sciences, especially having lost loved ones to heart diseases and cancer. I felt that there were a lot of questions to be answered in health and diseases, and I wanted a career in science. 


Complete Stories

University of Utah Graduate Programs in Bioscience