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Giving Opportunities

Opportunities to Help Progress

This U Giving Day, the Department of Biochemistry is promoting two causes, supporting Biochemistry's Trainee Support Fund and the local chapter of SACNAS.

Image of biochems at the annual picnic

Biochemistry's Trainee Support Fund

Our goal is to establish an emergency support fund to help our trainees cover unexpected expenses. These funds can make the difference between completing a graduate program or perhaps pausing career goals and aspirations.

Thanks to a very successful U Giving Day on March 28th, we are delighted to report that we will be able to support trainees who find themselves in challenging financial situations.  The fund remains open for those who still want to offer donations to this worthy cause.

Biochemistry's Trainee Support Fund

Marjorie Riches Gunn

Marjorie Riches Gunn Endowment Fund

Named for Marjorie Riches Gunn, long-time friend and former biochemistry department secretary during the chairmanship of Dr. Leo Samuels; proceeds from this fund support a wide range of initiatives, programs, and events.

Marjorie Riches Gunn Endowment Fund in Biochemistry

SACNAS Welcome Dinner Sept 2023


SACNAS is an all-inclusive community dedicated to supporting broad representation in STEM fields to match the demographics of our nation and to fostering the success of scientists from under-represented and all backgrounds. Our goal is to help these members attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.

Donations will help fund networking, outreach, and cross-cultural activities; professional-development speakers; and student travel to national STEM and professional-development meetings.

Donate to SACNAS U of U Chapter

Department Retreat

General Development Fund for Biochemistry

Contributions to the Department of Biochemistry's general development fund provide essential support for the department's teaching and research missions, postdoctoral and graduate training opportunities, state-of-the-art equipment and emerging technology, and initiation of new programs. Gifts in any amount are welcome.

Biochemistry General Development Fund

Naming Opportunities

Naming opportunities exist for endowed professorships, graduate and postdoctoral fellowships, and research funds. Deferred gifts and other tax planning approaches can make more substantial gifts possible. Through a planned gift, donors can give assets to the University of Utah Department of Biochemistry while retaining the income. In addition, bequests can be made as a specific gift of cash, property, or a percentage of an estate.

Faculty Support

Endowing a chair allows the Department of Biochemistry to recognize extraordinary research achievements of exceptional faculty who might otherwise be recruited elsewhere.

  • $1,500,000 – Presidential Endowed Chair
  • $1,000,000 – Endowed Chair 

Endowing a professorship in biochemistry is an investment in leadership. The department recruits and retains outstanding investigators who carry out innovative research programs and foster scientific excellence within the institution.

  • $500,000 – Endowed Professorship
  • $400,000 – Endowed Associate Professorship
  • $350,000 – Endowed Assistant Professorship

Trainee Support

Endowing a postdoctoral fellowship in biochemistry is an investment in promising young talent. Postdoctoral researchers collaborate with biochemistry faculty and offer fresh perspectives that enrich the research enterprise. These researchers will become the scientific leaders of tomorrow.

  • $500,000 – Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship

Endowing a graduate fellowship in biochemistry is an investment in education and the long-term future of science. Graduate students work under the guidance of biochemistry faculty are vitally important members of the department. The rigorous training they receive sets the stage for their future success and prepares them for scientific careers in a variety of different venues.

  • $500,000 – Presidential Endowed Graduate Fellowship
  • $300,000 – Endowed Graduate Fellowship