Presentations (2021)
Locke A. February 2021. Resiliency after COVID: Looking Ahead to a Sustainable Future. Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds. University of Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Allen J, Appelbaum N, Garman A, Hughes A, & Hysong S. (Panelists, no authorship order). Healthcare and COVID-19: The pandemic’s current and lasting impact on medicine. In H. R. Cobb, A. E. Hartman, & C. L. Thomas (Co-Chairs). Virtual panel presented at the the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, April 15-17, 2021, New Orleans, LA.
*Baak M, Kramer W, Allen JA, & Reiter-Palmon R. (April 2021). Live from the Living Room, It’s Monday Morning: Virtual Meetings in Our COVID World. Research presented virtually at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, April 15-17, 2021, New Orleans, LA.
Baak M, Kramer WS, Allen JA, Reiter-Palmon R. (2021, April 15-17). Team meetings matter: Staying connected and maintaining work-life balance during COVID-19. In J. Feitosa (Chair), Navigating the Abrupt Shift to Virtual Work Teams During COVID-19 [Symposium]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology 36th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.
Murugavel VR, Lindquist I, Reiter-Palmon R, Kramer WS, Allen JA, Ivcevic ZI, Taylor CL. (2021, April). A Structural Equation Model Analysis of How Organizations Support Employee Creativity. Poster presented virtually at the 36th Annual Conference for Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Herman A, Munson LJ, Allen JA. (2021, April). Invited: 2021 Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Winner: Herman Aguinis. Invited presentation for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, April 15-17, 2021, New Orleans, LA.
Kramer WS, *Murugavel V, *Lindquist IA, Reiter-Palmon R, Allen JA, Taylor C, Ivcevic Z. (2021, April). Teasing apart turnover intentions and satisfaction: A class analytic approach. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Conference for Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Locke A. April 2021. Creating a well-being hub to address diverse needs in an academic medical center. International Conference on Physician Health. London, UK (Virtual).
Locke A, Haramati A, Kreitzer MJ, Klatt, M. Using Integrative Medicine Approaches to Improve Workplace Well-being of Individuals and Groups in Healthcare: Lessons from Institutions in the U.S., Integrative Medicine and Health Symposium. Academic Consortium for Integrative Medicine and Health. Virtual. April 2021.
Melnyk B, Locke A, Misener T, Fox B, Amaya M. Panel Discussion: Lessons learned in building culture and improving population health from Chief Wellness Officers. Building Resilience National Summit, National Consortium for Building Healthy Academic Communities. Virtual. April 2021.
Rogers CR, Guest Expert Speaker. Unequal Encumbrance: Persistent Colorectal Cancer Disparities among African-American Men. he John Ruffin Health Disparities Research Seminar, National Institute on Aging, NIH. Virtual. April 2021.
Rogers CR, *Matthews P, *Le Duc, NT, *Brooks E, Washington CM, & Lange L. Barriers and Facilitators to Recruitment of African-American Men for Colorectal Cancer Research Conducted across Three States. Research Spotlight orally presented at Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions; Virtual. April 2021
Lopez I, Allen-Webb T. (May 2021). Impact of CHWs on University of Utah's Medical School Curriculum: Importance of Community Engaged Learning. Public Health Conference for Utah. Salt Lake City.
Lopez I, Allen-Webb T. (May 2021). COVID-19 Response Powered by CHW-UTAH AHEC Partnership. Public Health Conference for Utah. Salt Lake City.
Baron K, Duffecy J, Reutrakul S, Levenson J, McFarland M. (May 2021). Behavioral methods in sleep extension studies: a descriptive systematic review. Society for Behavioral Medicine. Virtual.
Walker S*, DeStefano S*, Molby N*, Capitano K*, Wolfenden E*, Fotoohi M*, Smith J*, Ose D, Paisley T, Knox J. (May 2021). Increasing Sports Medicine Referrals to Internal Providers. 2021 Department of Family and Preventive Medicine Poster Summit. Virtual.
Knox J, Vukelic B, DeStefano S*, Stoesser K, Moreno L. (May 2021). Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Integrating Hands-on Skills and Didactics Within a Residency Curriculum. Developing Project Posters. STFM Annual Spring Conference. Virtual.
Talboys S, Salari S, Melton H, Fukushima AI, Seage M, Petersen M, Qeaden F. (May 2021). Measuring a Multidemic: A Mixed-Methods Study of COVID-19 Impacts on Domestic Violence Across the Life-Course. PCOVID-19 Symposium. Salt Lake City.
Rolls J. (May 2021). TRANSformation: Transforming how we think about gender minority care. CME, hosted by PA Moms. Virtual.
Rolls J, Davis D, Backman R, Wood T, Honda T. (May 2021). Curricular Approaches to Transgender Health in PA Education. AAPA 2021 Annual Conference. Virtual.
Rolls J, Lessard D, Smith T, Keahey D. (May 2021). Outcomes of HRSA-Funded Expansion of Physician Assistant Training Grants 2011-2016. AAPA 2021 Annual Conference. Virtual.
Kitchens V*, Luong M *, Mifflin T*, Nguyen P*, Ashby J, Eldredge G, Rolls J. (May 2021). Effect of a Visual Intervention on Providers Addressing Depression. AAPA 2021 Annual Conference. Virtual.
Case GA, Cheek-O'Donnell S, Pippitt K. (June 2021). Space for Collaboration. Association for Medical Humanities Conference 2021: Making Space. University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland. Virtual.
Talboys S, Salari S, Melton H, Fukushima AI, Seage M, Petersen M, QeAden F. (June 2021). Measuring a Multidemic: A Mixed-Methods Study of COVID-19 Impacts on Domestic Violence Across the Life-Course. COVID-19 Symposium. University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.