Presentations (2019)
Rogers CR. (Jan 2019). Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Problem with Health Care, and how one Utah doctor is trying to fix it. Guest TV Panelist. Fox 13’s “The Place”, Salt Lake City, UT
Eide K, Johnson J. (Nov 2018). An Experiment Diversifying the Biomedical Workforce through Grant Writing Coaching Groups. American Evaluation Association, Cleveland, OH.
Rogers CR. (Feb 2019). Eliminating (colorectal) cancer inequities among African-American men- A public health conundrum & emergency. Center for Healthy African American Med though Partnerships (CHAAMPS) National Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Rogers CR. (Feb 2019). Navigating Academia. Utah Health Equity Leadership and Mentoring (U-HELM) Career Panel Session, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Koric A, Li M, Fortenberry K, Cheng M. (Feb 2019). Teaching clerkship students to screen for drug and alcohol abuse: University of Utah Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral and Treatment (SBIRT). STFM MSE Conference, Jacksonville, FL
Kagabo R, Kim J, Zubieta JK, Kleimschmidt K, Okuyemi K. (Feb 2019). Association between smoking, and hospital readmission among inpatients with psychiatric illness at an academic psychiatric facility, 2000-2015. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA
Magill M, Ruttinger C. (March 2019). Using population health to project primary care workforce need: Progress report on a new model. Healthier Rural Wet Summit, Salt Lake City, UT
Rogers CR. (March 2019). Colorectal cancer may have started the inequitable fight, but how will you finish it? Research Advocacy Training & Support (RATS) Breakout Learning Sessions, 13th Annual Call-On Congress, Fight Colorectal Cancer, Arlington, VA
Rogers CR. (March 2019). Feedback with Abby Bonell. Interviewed by Abby Bonell (radio), additional speaker included Morgan Marietti (American Cancer Society), iHeartRadio, Salt Lake City, UT
Rogers CR. (March 2019). CRC disparities among African-American med: the USPSTF still hasn’t lowered the screening age to 45? Utah Colorectal Cancer Roundtable Meeting, American Cancer Society, Salt Lake City, UT
Rogers CR. (March 2019). Colorectal Cancer: The preventable, treatable, & beatable disease no one has to die from, Division of Public Health Grand Rounds, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT
Case GA, Pippitt K, Sample S. (March 2019). Painted Bodies: Practicing the science of anatomy and the art of human touch in medical school. Heath Humanities Consortium Conference, Chicago, IL
Chang CP, Siwakoti B, Sapkota A, Gautam DK, Lee YA, Monroe M, Hashibe M. (March 2019). Tobacco smoking, chewing habits, alcohol drinking and the risk of head and neck cancer in Nepal. American Society of Preventive Oncology Conference, Tampa, FL
Locke A. (March 2019). Addressing wellness and burnout: From individuals to systems. Health Sciences Education Day, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.
Locke A. (March 2019). Wellbeing Council Group Facilitation Session. Health Sciences Education Day, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.
Locke A. (March 2019). Building Resilience in Healthcare. Pediatric Grand Rounds. Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.
Locke A. (March 2019). Intentionally Addressing Wellness: Working Group Session. Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.
Locke A. (March 2019). Back from the brink of burnout: A personal and system approach to improve resilience and wellness in healthcare. Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA.
McAdams E, Stoesser K, Casper R*, Frame K. (April 2019). Brining Hepatitis C Treatment and Management into Family Medicine Residency Clinics. STFM Annual Spring Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
*indicates trainee
Clark L, Sanchez-Birkhead A, Egger MJ. (March 2019). Postpartum Pelvic Floor Changes: Individual Agency in Models of Disablement and Empowerment. Society for Applied Anthropology Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
Kovach, K., Delvaney, M., Hamilton, P., Godin, S. (2019, April). Assessing Mhealth Applications: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research, Cleveland, OH.
Rogers, C.R. (2019, April). Guest Speaker. Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Disparities Elimination: A Purpose-Driven Journey. 2019 Health Services Research Conference: Meeting of the Minds. Calvary Baptist Church; Salt Lake City, UT
Rogers, C.R. (2019, April). Keynote Speaker. Do what you Fear in Order to Eliminate Colon Cancer Disparities. Spring Cleaning: Inaugural American Indian Colorectal Cancer Prevention Conference. Black Bear Casino Resort; Carlton, MN
Locke A. May 2019. Building Resilience in Health Care. Association for Utah Community Health Annual Primary Care Conference. West Valley City, Utah.
Casucci T, Lake E, Dickey S, and Locke A. May 2019. Investigating librarian burnout and creating programs to build collegiality and personal resilience. Utah Library Association Annual Conference. Sandy, Utah.
Bondah EK*, Talboys SL, Gren LH. (2019). Feasibility of administering a mental health questionnaire and health risk appraisal in Ghanaian high school students. Education, Research, and Community Engagement Summit (Department of Family and Preventive Medicine), SLC, UT
* indicates a trainee
Coombs JM. (2019). Lesson Learned - JPAE Style. Available at https://paeaonline.org/lessons-learned-jpae-style/
Baron, KG. (June 2019) Technology Assisted Behavior Intervention To Extend Sleep Among Adults With Short Sleep Duration And Prehypertension/stage 1 Hypertension: A Randomized Pilot Feasibility Study. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, San Antonio, TX
Ose D, Kamradt M, Szecsenyi J. (June 2019). Strengthen the self-care of patients with type 2 diabetes through primary care network-based care management. An intervention study from Germany. NAPCRG PBRN Conference, Bethesda, Maryland
Rogers CR. (June 2019). Alumni Instructor; Health Equity Leadership Institute (HELI), Maryland Center for Health Equity at the University of Maryland-College Park & University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Collaborative Center for Health Equity, Madison, WI
Huntington M, Rogers CR, Blackburn BE, Curtin K, Thorpe RJ, Hashibe, M. (April 2019). Colorectal Cancer Survival and Risk Disparities among Rural-Urban Men of Utah: A Statewide Population-based Study. Poster presented at Education, Research, and Community Engagement Summit; Salt Lake City, UT.
Riley C, Rogers CR, Huntington H, Foster M, and Okuyemi, KS (April 2019). Preliminary Results from a Systematic Review of Colorectal Cancer Screening Uptake Interventions among African-American Men. Poster presented at Education, Research, and Community Engagement Summit; Salt Lake City, UT.
Byun J, Schliep K, Peterson CM, Backonja U, Taylor R, Stanford J, Allen-Brady K, Smith K, Buck Louis G. (June 2019). Adiposity and Endometriosis Severity and Typology. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Schliep KC, Denhalter D, Gren L, Panushka K, Singh TP, Varner M. (June 2019). Factors in the Hospital Experience Associated with Postpartum Breastfeeding Success. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Purdue-Smith AC, Kim K, Nobles C, Schisterman EF, Schliep KC, Perkins N, Sjaarda L, Freeman J, Robinson S, Radoc J, Mills J, Silver R, Mumford S. (June 2019). Preconception Vitamin D Status and Offspring Sex Ratio among Women with Prior Pregnancy Loss. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Flannagan KS, Andriessen V, Sjaarda L, Schliep KC, Mumford SL, Perkins N, Silver R, Schisterman EF. (June 2019). Association of Luteal Phase Deficiency with Livebirth, Pregnancy Loss, and Time to Pregnancy. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Schliep K, Panushka K, Varner M, Feldkamp M, Hanson H, Hollinghuse M, Fraser A, Smith K. (June 2019). Is there a Paternal or Grandmaternal Age Effect on the Probability of Down Syndrome? A Population-Based, Matched Case-Control Study. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
*Najmabadi S, Schliep KC, Simonsen SE, Porucznik C, Egger MJ, Stanford JB. (June 2019). The Impact of Intercourse on Menstrual Cycle Parameters in Women without Known Subfertility: A Pooled Analysis of 3 Cohorts. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Yeum D, Peterson CM, Smith K, Buck Louis G, Stanford JB, Simonsen S, Allen-Brady K, Taylor R, Peterson K, Schliep K. (June 2019). Moderate to Severe Endometriosis is Linked with Subsequent Risk of Preterm Birth. Society for Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Purdue-Smith AC, Kim K, Schisterman EF, Schliep KC, Perkins NJ, Sjaarda LA, Mills J, Silver RM, Andriessen V, Alkhalaf Z, Radoc J, Mumford SL. (June 2019). Caffeinated Beverage Intake and Serum Caffeine Metabolites and Risk of Pregnancy Loss. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
Najmabadi S, Schliep KC, Simonsen SE, Porucznik C, Egger M, Stanford JB. (June 2019).Vaginal Bleeding, Cycle Length, and Follicular and Luteal Phase Lengths in Women without Known Subfertility: A Pooled Analysis of 3 Cohorts. Society for Perinatal and Pediatric Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota.
*Najmabadi S, Schliep KC, Simonsen SE, Porucznik C, Egger MJ, Stanford JB. (June 2019). Cervical Mucus Patterns and the Fertile Window in Women without Known Subfertility: A Pooled Analysis of 3 Cohorts. European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Annual Meeting, Vienna - Austria.
Javier D, Eide Boman K. (June 2019). “Managing National Diversity Initiatives: The Example of the National Research Mentoring Network.” The Association of Program Administrators CSTEP and STEP, Albany, NY.
Greenberg, J. Rolls J. (June 2019). LGBT Health Topics. Are You Prepped for PrEP? HIV Prevention in Primary Care Conference, Salt Lake City UT.
Frost C, Dearden S, Allkjenfr Hr, Benson LS, Gren L. (June 2019). Determining Health Conditions Present in Refugees Age 0-59 Years Arriving in Utah. North American Refugee Health Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Gren L, Harris M, Benson LS, Frost C. (June 2019). Providing Refugee Integration Services – How Well Are US States Doing? North American Refugee Health Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Benson LS, Frost C, Gren L. (June 2019). Developing an Acuity Scale for Case Management and Primary Healthcare for Refugees Age 60 Years and Older Arriving in Utah. North American Refugee Health Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Michael R, Frost C, Benson LS, Najmabadi S, Gren L. (June 2019). Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Understand Refugee Integration Status. North American Refugee Health Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Worsham W, Davis J, Singh TP, Olafson J, Bilder D. (2019). Identifying Underlying Sources of Distress for Adolescents and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Neurodevelopmental Disabilities. International Society for Autism Research, Palais des congres de Montreal Montreal, Québec Canada.
Rogers CR. (July 2019). Keynote Speaker. Life+Times of Dr. Rogers: A Purpose-Driven Journey. Summer Student Research Symposium 2019: Barbershops and other Surprising Scientific Settings. University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI
Rogers CR. (July 2019). Keynote Speaker. A Translational Tale of Colon Cancer Disparities Elimination among African-American Men. Summer Student Research Symposium 2019: Barbershops and other Surprising Scientific Settings. University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, MI
Rogers, C. R. (2019, August). Panelist. “Do It for the Culture” Welcome Event for Black/African-American Students. College of Education, University of Utah; Salt Lake City, UT
Sullivan E, Agarwal C, Miholapoulos N, Rolls J, Walzer N. Creating a Transgender Health Program: (that isn't in NYC, Boston, or San Francisco!) The University of Utah Experience. United States Professional Organization for Transgender Health. Washington DC. September 7, 2019
Sullivan E, Kiraly B, Brown R, Greenberg J, Rolls J. "Assessing Provider Adherence to Feminizing Hormone Therapy Clinical Practice Guidelines: Are We Providing Perfect Care?" USPATH 2019 Centering Community Through Healthcare Science and Research Poster Session. September 5, 2019
Knighton R, Singh TP, Pinzon LM. “Oral Health Status of the Refugee Population in Utah.” 2019 International Association for Dental Research. Vancouver, BC, Canada. June 19-22.
Locke A, Call M, Werner W, Morrow E. (2019). Using a system-based approach to support wellbeing at the local level. American Conference on Physician Health. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Call M, Locke A, Morrow E, Webber D, Marcus R, Hamilton B. (2019). Many paths to the same destination: Utility of a brief engagement survey to assess workplace well-being. American Conference on Physician Health. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Morrow E, Werner W, Marcus R, Call M, Hamilton B, Pendleton R, Locke A. (2019). Canary in a coal mine: Quality care and perceived needs correlate with burnout rates. American Conference on Physician Health. Charlotte, North Carolina.
Rogers CR, Riley C, Huntington M, Foster M, Okuyemi KS. (2019). Interventions for increasing colorectal cancer screening uptake among African-American men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Natl Inst Health Res.
* indicates a trainee
Velasco MJ, Lopez I, Sanchez-Birkhead A. (Nov 2019). Disparities in Breast Cancer (BC) Survivorship among Latinas in the US: A Systematic Review [Poster presentation]. American Public Health Association (APHA) National Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Stewart E, Lopez I, Dutton M, Lee T, Boston PQ, Guzman W. (Nov 2019). A Figure that will lead you to the Right Place: African American Adolescent Perspectives of Fatherhood. American Public Health Association (APHA) National Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Pooler-Burgess M, Close FT, Best A, Dutton M, Lopez I, Vadaparampil S. (Nov 2019). Cervical Cancer Prevention Behaviors and Human Papilloma Vaccination Intention: An Exploratory Study of Minority Women in the Big Bend Region of Florida. Society for the Analysis of African American Public Health Issues (SAAPHI), Philadelphia, PA.
Lopez I. (Nov 2019). Diversity and Inclusion for the University of Utah Health. Strategy Refresh Retreat, Salt Lake City, UT.