Global Health Fellowship
"To focus attention on the promotion and development of health/health systems in vulnerable populations both locally and abroad"
- MPH + Global Health Certificate- 2 years (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
- Global Health Certificate- 1 year
- 8.5 shifts/month, mix of academic (University of Utah) and community sites (Day Break, UT; Rock Springs, WY; Shiprock, NM-IHS Facility)
- 3-4 Months of field work/year
- $8,000 CME/year
- Moonlighting available internal/external to University of Utah Health system
- Full health/dental for fellow and family, retirement contributions of 14.2% salary additional to salary pay
- Upon application: Submit project proposal [can be already initiated, or area of focus for coming year(s)] multiple ongoing projects, which you can utilize
- Publish/Present 1 poster and/or manuscript/year
- Submit 1 major grant application/year (Emergency Medicine Foundation, Grand Challenge Explorations, etc)
- Responsible for International journal club meetings (every 2-3 months)
- Regularly participate in and attend curriculum modules for Emergency Medicine resident weekly conference (when in country)
- Help maintain @utah_global_em Instagram page with latest on Global Health in Emergency Medicine
- Language Proficiency in area of study
Questions? Contact Anna.Newlin@hsc.utah.edu
Fellowship Director
Current Fellow
Anisha Tailor, MD 2024- 2026
Past Fellowship Graduates
Scott Berndt, MD 2023 -2024 Community Physician, Salt Lake City, UT
Shirley Jones, DO 2023-2024
Project - Vietnam Emergency Medicine Diploma Project
WHO's and ICRC Humanitarian Emergencies in Large Population Course in Geneva
Assistant Professor, Assistant Program Director of Global Health Department of Emergency Medicine Eastern Virginia Medical School
Claudia Tuffanelli-Bouvier, MD 2023-2024
Project - Sacred Valley Health, Peru
MSc in Public Health Candidate
Assistant Professor Department of Emergency Medicine - University of Utah, Sacred Valley Health Project Point Lead
James Fierbaugh, MD 2022-2023
Community Physician, Salt Lake City, UT
Wesley Pedicini, MD 2020-2022
Community Physician, Salt Lake City, UT
Jane Yee, MD 2019-2021
Project - Diploma in Emergency Medicine, Cho Ray Hospital HCMC, Vietnam
MSc in Public Health LSHTM
Current Position - Project Director, Indian Health Service and Assitant Director of Global Health, Division of Emergency Medicine, University of Utah
Lucy Unger, MD 2019-2020
Project - Sacred Valley Health, Peru
Current Position - Private Practice, Salt Lake City, UT
N. Shakira Bandolin, MD 2017-2018
Project-Community Health Demographics in Marginalized High Andean Communities of the Sacred Valley, Peru
Ayni Wasi/University of Utah Collaboration
Current Position - Assistant Prof, Global Health Director, University of California-Davis Department of Emergency Medicine
Michael Morgan, MD 2016-2017
Project -Emergency Medicine Tele Education Curriculum Implementation, Cho Ray Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Current Position - Assistant Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine University of Utah School of Medicine
Matthew Stewart, MD MPH 2014-2016
Project - Lay Provider Trauma Training, Sacred Valley Peru/Vietnam Emergency Medicine Education
Current Position - Faculty Physician, Indian Health Services, Tuba City, AZ
Matthew Fuller, MD 2013-2014
Project - Lay Provider Trauma Training, Sacred Valley Peru/Vietnam Emergency Medicine Education
Current Position - Assistant Prof, Director of Global Health Fellowship, University of Utah
Brad Dreifuss, MD 2011-2012
Project - GECC/Uganda/Ghana
Current Position - Assistant Prof, Director of Rural and Global Health Program, University of Arizona, Tucson
Carl Seger, MD 2010-2011
Project - Ghana Emergency Medicine Residency Implementation
Current Position - Community Physician, Ashland OR