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Graduate Medical Education


What is Medhub?

University of Utah GME uses MedHub Residency Management System (RMS) to manage schedules, evaluations, and administrative functions for its residents and fellows and to complete accreditation and finance tasks for its programs and the institution as a whole.

Logging In

Users may access MedHub by navigating to and entering either their MedHub credentials or their University of Utah credentials (by clicking on the “Login with your University of Utah Domain Account Credentials” link).


For residents, fellows, faculty, and read-only users, the first point of contact for MedHub help is generally your program coordinator/manager. Program coordinators/managers administrate most of your program’s MedHub operations and can help you regain access to your account if needed.

For program coordinators, managers, and administrators in need of MedHub help, please submit a ticket through the Help tab on MedHub. The GME Office can assist with most of your MedHub needs.

Program coordinators/managers who are having trouble getting into their account and can’t submit a support ticket may contact Julia Britland, the GME Office’s dedicated MedHub support contact, at

Resources on Medhub

The Resources/Documents section on MedHub houses files and links posted by the GME Office and by your program. You can access these by navigating to your home page and scrolling to the bottom of the second column (or the first column for program administrators).