October 25–26
Our 2024 event will feature expert content dedicated to pediatric and adolescent POTS and related disorders.
Registration is now open for the CME event! Register here.
Find the agenda here.

This year's conference is a hybrid event. You can attend virtually via the Whova platform or in person at the Cleone Peterson Eccles Alumni House, 155 Central Campus Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.
Visit our FAQ page here.
Primary Care and Subspecialists

Exhibitor or Sponsor
October 25–26, 2024
Want to be an exhibitor or sponsor at POTS 2024? Contact us at POTSConference@hsc.utah.edu for more information or to submit an application. Visit the main page here.

Patient & Caregiver Resources
Support Groups (Local/UT and Virtual)
Education Courses
Additional Resources

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NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages
PARTICIPATE in event activities through session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more
On behalf of the POTS & Beyond planning committee and the University of Utah Department of Neurology, we are incredibly thankful for the generous contributions and collaboration from Dysautonomia International, including their associated Utah Patient Support Group, who helped establish POTS & Beyond in 2018. Your generosity has enabled us to reach a broad audience of learners, solicit patient and caregiver input, and helped this program realize its mission of education for providers caring for patients with POTS and related disorders. We can never fully express how much your assistance has meant to this program and to our team - thank you from the bottom of our hearts!