Professional Training and Conferences
Our movement disorder team has been organizing lectures and clinical rotations to educate other health care professionals on a variety of movement disorder topics. Below are selected examples of lectures with invited speakers, lectures given by members of our movement disorder team and clinical rotations for trainees.
Conferences and Lectures with Invited Speakers and Organized by the Movement Disorders Division
- Lecture Series on Neurophysiology in Movement Disorders and Parkinson’s Disease. Aristide Merola, MD. Salt Lake City, UT. Nov 5, 2018.
- Tremor and Hyperkinetic Movement Disorder Conference. Multiple speakers. Salt Lake City, UT. Mar 8, 2019.
Movement Disorders Lectures Given by Our Movement Disorder Team (Past and Current) to Healthcare Professionals Working in Utah and Surrounding States
- Updates in the Treatment of Movement Disorders. Camila Aquino, MD. Western Intermountain Neurological Organization Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Fall 2017.
- Antisense oligonucleotide therapy. Stefan Pulst, MD. Western Intermountain Neurological Organization Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Spring 2018.
- Update on the Approach to Movement Disorders in Older Adults. Paolo Moretti, MD. Geriatrics Grand Rounds, University of Utah. Jun 5, 2018.
- Genetics in Neurology. Paolo Moretti, MD. Western Intermountain Neurological Organization Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Fall 2018.
- Current perspectives and future opportunities in Parkinson's disease. Paolo Moretti, MD. University of Utah, Department of Neurosurgery Grand Rounds. University of Utah. May 15, 2019.
- Current concepts in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Paolo Moretti, MD. Practical Neurology CME Series. Department of Neurology, University of Utah. Nov 4, 2019.
- Sick, but not Dead: Evidence for Functional Abnormalities in Catecholaminergic Nerve Terminals in Parkinson's Disease. Guillaume Lamotte, MD. Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Utah. Jan 22, 2020.
- Differences between Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Other Major Neurological Conditions. Paolo Moretti, MD. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI), Salt Lake City, UT. Jan 30, 2020.
- Tremors and Shakes. Paolo Moretti, MD. Practical Neurology CME Series. Department of Neurology, University of Utah. University of Utah. Aug 20, 2020.
- Focused Ultrasound for Movement Disorders. John Rolston, MD, PhD. Western Intermountain Neurological Organization Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Spring 2021.
- Movement Disorders and Focused Ultrasound. Paolo Moretti, MD and John Rolston, MD, PhD. University of Utah CME Seminar. University of Utah. Jun 21, 2021.
- Treating Essential Tremor with Focused Ultrasound. Paolo Moretti, MD; John Rolston, MD, PhD; Matthew Alexander, MD. University of Utah CME Seminar. University of Utah. Aug 16, 2021.
- Current views and future opportunities in Parkinson’s disease. Paolo Moretti, MD. Brigham Young University, Provo, UT. Oct 20, 2021.
- A Review of Current Perspectives and Future Opportunities in Parkinson’s disease. Paolo Moretti, MD. Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Utah. Nov 14, 2021.
- Updates on RBD in Parkinson's disease. Guillaume Lamotte, MD. Sleep Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Utah. Nov 17, 2021.
Western Intermountain Neurological Organization Meeting Movement Disorders Lectures
Presentations on movement disorders and related topics given by speakers invited by the department of neurology and the movement disorder team. These lectures were given during the Western Intermountain Neurological Organization Meeting, a biannual University of Utah neurology conference.
- History of L Dopa and Parkinsons. Stanley Fahn, MD. Spring 2018.
- Deep Brain Stimulation Updates. Sol DeJesus, MD. Spring 2019.
- Hereditary spastic paraparesis: update and management. Peter Hedera, MD. Fall 2019.
- Wilson's Disease. Peter Hedera, MD. Fall 2019.
- Red Flags in Parkinsonism. Kristin Mitrovich, MD. Fall 2020.
- Approach to Functional Movement Disorders: Diagnosis and Treatment. Katherine LaFaver, MD. Spring 2021.
- Psychiatric Complications in Parkinson’s Disease. Katherine LaFaver, MD. Spring 2021.
Annual Lectures to Healthcare Professionals at the University of Utah
Audience: Physical therapists, PM&R residents and fellows, geriatrics fellows, psychiatry residents, and physician assistants.
Annual Movement Disorders Lecture Series for the University of Utah Neurology Residents and Medical Students
- Approach to tremor
- Approach to Parkinsonism and Parkinson’s Disease
- Pathophysiology of Parkinson’s disease
- Medication selection in Parkinson’s disease
- Parkinsonian Syndromes and atypical parkinsonism
- Overview of dystonia
- Huntington’s disease
- DBS surgery
- DBS programming
- Movement disorders on the consult service 1
- Movement disorders on the consult service 2
- Approach to chorea
- Ataxia 1
- Ataxia 2
- Botulinum toxin injections in movement disorders
Monthly Medical Student Lecture with Overview of Common Movement Disorders
Clinical Rotations for Trainees
Audience: neurology and psychiatry residents and fellows, and advanced care providers.
Contact Us
Clinic Appointments and Visits
(801) 585-7575
Imaging and Neurosciences Center (INC)
729 Arapeen Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84108
Academic Correspondence
Hope Crawford: 801-581-1161
Imaging and Neurosciences Center (INC)
729 Arapeen Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84108