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Implementing TWH

Want to take the next step towards a Total Worker Health® approach for your organization? NIOSH TWH Centers have developed several programs designed to take your organization's well-being efforts to the next level. The links below will lead you through the steps of implementing a TWH project, from assessing the readiness of your organization to engaging workers and management to designing, implementing, and evaluating your new TWH program. In addition, you'll find tools to assess worker well-being, to identify the root causes of safety and health concerns, and to effectively set and meet TWH goals.

Implementing TWH
  • Featured Resources

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    Identify Health and Safety Priorities from CPH-NEW is a page dedicated to assessing the health and safety issues of your workforce. Before developing a focus for your new health and safety program, you will first need to know what issues are important to your workforce. Involve employees at all levels of the organization to ensure that all perspectives are represented. Resources on this page include an all-employee survey, a focus group guide, and links to other important tools that can help you take this next step towards worker well-being.

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    The Thriving from Work Questionnaire from Center for Work, Health, & Well-being provide a comprehensive measure of work-related well-being. What is "Thriving from Work"? Thriving from Work is the state of positive mental, physical, and social functioning in which workers' experiences of their working conditions enable them to thrive in their overall lives, contributing to their ability to achieve their full potential in their work, home, and community. These rigorously validated questionnaires have produced reproducible results with respondents from a wide range of sectors, occupations, educational, and economic backgrounds.

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    The Worker Well-Being Questionnaire (WellBQ) is a NIOSH-developed survey that seeks to provide employers an integrated assessment of worker well-being across multiple spheres, including individuals’ quality of working life, circumstances outside of work, and physical and mental health status. Curious about other resources, including surveys and scorecards? Check out NIOSH's non-exhaustive list of planning, assessment, and evaluation resources.

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    The Healthy Work Survey for Employers is a free online tool developed by the Healthy Work Campaign that identifies work-related causes of common mental and physical health problems. After completion of the survey by participants, a free, confidential report of personal results can be emailed directly to each participant (if they choose) and an aggregate/group-level report can be generated for the organization.

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    Want to get a sense of how effective your current programs are as you assess employee needs? The HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard is designed to help organizations learn about best practices for promoting workplace health and well-being, and to discover opportunities to improve and measure progress over time.

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    The Workplace Integrated Safety and Health (WISH) Assessment developed by the Center for Work, Health, & Well-being measures workplace policies, programs, and practices that focus on working conditions and organizational facilitators of worker safety, health, and well-being. The tool can be used by employers and researchers to assess the extent of implementation of an integrated approach.

    Other Resources

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    Take the Pulse of Your Organization's Culture - Using Surveys to Measure your Workplace Health and Safety Program is a 40-minute webinar that teaches attendees to take the pulse of their organization’s culture using employee surveys. Dr. Natalie Schwatka from the Center for Health, Work & Environment covers what types of questions should be included in a well-designed survey, how to interpret survey results, and the benefits of using this kind of assessment.

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    Total Worker Health® Data Series: Needs & Interest Surveys is a 47-minute webinar on TWH data. This session from the Center for Health, Work & Environment discusses what information a business can collect, analyze, and trend regardless of organization size, healthcare funding model, or industry. The webinar focuses on how to develop interest surveys and how to work with the data once you have collected it.