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About the Hwang Lab

The Hwang Lab studies how the biochemistry and extracellular matrix structure of the vitreous changes throughout life from childhood through old age.

Eileen Hwang, MD, PhD
Eileen Hwang, MD, PhD

Studying the Extracellular Matrix Structure of the Vitreous

The vitreous is a transparent gel that fills the back of the eye between the lens and the retina. The primary structural components of the vitreous are collagen and glycosaminoglycans. The assembly of these structural components changes over time after birth and may contribute to vitreoretinal disease. By investigating how and why the vitreous changes over time, we hope to invent new ways to reverse disease-related vitreous abnormalities or to safely accelerate normal age-related vitreous changes.

Research Interests

  • Vitreous
  • Extracellular Matrix
  • Retinal Detachment

Lab News

Moran Surgeon-Scientist Eileen Hwang Develops New Ways to Study the Vitreous

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