The Clinical Trials Office offers a full range of services to support the development, execution, and oversight of clinical trials and research studies at the University of Utah. Our team works collaboratively with Principal Investigators (PIs) and study teams to ensure adherence to all relevant regulations and provides dedicated care and support for patients participating in clinical trials.

Clinical Trial Finance Team
The Clinical Trial Finance team manages the entire financial scope of pre-award and post-award financial oversight.
Contracts Team
The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) supports University of Utah faculty through effective management of extramural sponsored proposals and awards funded by federal and state agencies, foundations, and other public and private sources.
OSP is primarily responsible for:
Interpreting and ensuring compliance with
University policy, proposal and award terms and conditions
Applicable federal and state laws and regulations
Proposal review and submission on behalf of the University of Utah
Sponsored agreements and subaward drafting, negotiation and execution
Quality Assurance Team
The Quality Assurance (QA) team routinely monitors all active studies for both industry-sponsored and investigator-initiated clinical trials and research studies.
Regulatory Team
The regulatory team manages all regulatory aspects of the protocols for both industry-sponsored and investigator-initiated clinical trials and research studies.
The team provides fee-for-service activities including:
Regulatory submissions (initial IRB application, continuing reviews, amendments, safety report forms, FDA IND/IDE submissions and reports)
Developing study forms, such as Informed Consent (ICF), Assent, Parental Permission (PPF)
Creating and maintaining regulatory documents to meet sponsor and federal requirements
Ensuring compliance with ICH GCP E6 (R2), federal and state regulations, and institutional policies
Study Coordination Team
The study coordinator team supports the management and coordination of clinical research studies. They perform PI-delegated study protocol activities for both industry-sponsored and investigator-initiated clinical trials and research studies.
The team provides fee-for-service activities, such as:
Participant screening
Obtaining informed consent
Reporting and tracking adverse events, serious adverse events, and protocol deviations
Completing case report forms and data entry
Sample collection, processing, and shipping
Coordinating sponsor monitor visits
Study Start-up
The study start-up coordinator serves as the first point of contact for incoming clinical trials.
Contact Us:
Phone: 801-587-7514