About Me
Where you Completed your Residency: University of Minnesota
Where you completed Medical School: University of Minnesota
Undergraduate School: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Medical Areas of Interest: Echocardiography, Medical Education
Interests & Hobbies: Soccer, running, hiking, canoeing, winter camping, piano
Hometown: St. Paul, MN
Why Utah Pediatric cardiology? The program here in Utah is the perfect size, supportive, and well-rounded.
What is your favorite part about our program? Supportive faculty
What is your favorite part about living in Salt Lake City? I like how easy it is to get outside
What cool research/advocacy/education/scholarly work are you participating in? Echo research; Establishing inpatient cardiology curriculum for pediatric residents
What has been a standout rotation or teaching experience you've been part of as a fellow? Each rotation through EP (electrophysiology) has been a wonderful experience
What is something you didn't know before coming to Utah that you wish you did? Skiing moguls is terrifying
What are your plans following fellowship? Academic medicine career with a focus in advanced cardiac imaging and medical education
What made you decide to come to Utah? I decided to move to Utah for this well-rounded fellowship training opportunity