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Pediatricians Against Secondhand Smoke (PASS)

Pediatricians Against Secondhand Smoke (PASS)

The Pediatricians Against Secondhand Smoke (PASS) initiative seeks to increase pediatricians' effectiveness and knowledge in protecting children from the effects of smoke exposure in at-risk communities. The educational program is designed to help establish a practice-based strategy to implement evidence-based screening and counseling strategies for smoking cessation.

PASS is lead and founded by residents and includes residents, faculty, community pediatricians, and other child healthcare providers.


We are a grassroots advocacy group for children's health. Our goals include:

  • Advocating for decreased exposure to second hand smoke,
  • aiding smoking prevention and cessation within the local pediatric community,
  • and supporting advocacy activities of the pediatric residency program at the University of Utah.

Community Partners

PASS is proud to partner with several national and community organizations that educate communities about the dangers of secondhand smoke and work to promote overall pediatric health.

Our community partners include:

Contact Us

Phone: 801-662-3645

Pediatricians Against Secondhand Smoke
Department of Pediatrics

Christopher Miller

Christopher W. Miller, M.D.

Melody Baugh
Administrative Assistant
Pediatric Inpatient Medicine
Primary Children's Hospital

100 N Mario Capecchi Drive
Salt Lake City, Utah 84113