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The University of Utah Data Coordinating Center (DCC) provides Principal Investigators (PI) for many industry-, government-, and philanthropy-funded networks and studies.  DCC PIs are faculty biostatisticians or physicians who have expertise in study design, regulatory compliance, data management, project management, and statistical analysis.  DCC PIs partner with you to address the needs of your clinical research questions. For example, they oftentimes serve on a network’s executive board to discuss future projects, grant development, and next steps for the network. 

DCC PIs oversee a variety of networks studies covering a large range of clinical areas.  In addition to the areas mentioned above, we have statistical expertise in areas including:

  • Complex trial design (e.g., enrichment, hybrid stepped wedge, adaptive designs)
  • Developing and maintaining longitudinal patient registries
  • Statistical modeling (e.g., longitudinal, survival, other regression analyses)
  • Probabilistic linkage
  • Large databases
  • Small sample sizes (i.e., exact inferences)
  • Developing prediction rules, such as with Classification And Regression Trees (CART) Analyses
  • Bayesian statistics