You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Complete the following application. Upon completion, continue onto Step 2: Document Upload to submit the required documents (compiled into a single PDF document). Name: Preferred pronoun: Mailing Address: Email Address: If you use slack, please provide your preferred email address: Cell Phone (format XXX-XXX-XXXX): Office Phone (format XXX-XXX-XXXX): Is it okay to SMS text message, iMessage, or Whatsapp with you (select all that apply): SMS text message iMessage Whatsapp Current university (or national lab) affiliation: Please select one of the following: - None -Graduate StudentMedical StudentPostdoctoral FellowResidentFaculty This course relies on knowledge of mathematical/statistical programming, and primarily uses MATLAB and R. While we don’t expect expertise, we do ask for proficiency. Please indicate your level of use for each language. Also, indicate your preferred computing platform. Virtual Box experience is not needed, but the course will being using it extensively. MATLAB: (Select One)NeverBeginnerIntermediateExpert R: (Select One)NeverBeginnerIntermediateExpert Mac: (Select One)NeverBeginnerIntermediateExpert Linux: (Select One)NeverBeginnerIntermediateExpert PC: (Select One)NeverBeginnerIntermediateExpert Virtual Box: (Select One)NeverBeginnerIntermediateExpert Preferred computing platform: This course is supported by the National Institutes of Health, please indicate whether you are a US Citizen/Permanent Resident: (Select One)YesNo Travel awards are need-based. The travel award will cover a portion of the hotel expense. Please indicate here if you are requesting to be considered for an award. We will contact you for further information: (Select One)YesNo If there is anything else you would like us to know, or wish to bring to our attention, please indicate that here: Leave this field blank