The clinical training for medical physics residents is designed to cover the major training for radiation oncology physics as outlined in AAPM Report No. 249, “Essentials and Guidelines for Clinical Medical Physics Residency Training Programs.”
The clinical training includes three main parts:
1. radiation oncology medical physics course,
2. medical physics clinical training, and
3. participation in conferences.
Didactic Education
In addition to an applicants completion of CAMPEP accredited medical physics courses, residents at the University of Utah are required to complete a two-year Radiation Oncology Physics Course, which is provided for both physician and physics residents.
Medical Physics Clinical Training
The primary rotations will be the following:

Parallel rotations will occur concurrently but their order will be adjusted based on what is happening in the clinic:

Participation in Conferences, Lectures, Meetings, & Journal Clubs
- Residents are required to give regularly occurring presentations
- Residents attend a number of meetings, such as:
- Chart rounds
- Weekly Physics meeting
- Physics QA review
- Physics research meeting
- Radiation Oncology clinical lectures
- Morbidity and mortality conferences
- Clinical in-services
- Visiting professor lectures
- Journal Club