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Student Interest Groups

2024 – 2025 Medical Student Interest Groups (SIGs)

For questions and concerns, contact: 

In the 2024-2025 Academic Year, the Department of Student Leadership & Involvement retired its old policy of rolling recognition for student organizations, and SLI established a new policy utilizing Recognition Periods. These periods are two-week windows that prospective organizations have to submit an application and complete the process. There are two recognition periods in the fall semester and one in the spring. By switching to recognition periods, new student organizations have the opportunity to meet the Organization Resource Group, learn about OrgSync, and establish firm foundations to support their retention and their goals.

Browse the current School of Medicine Student Interest Groups

Detailed information on how to start a Medical Student Interest Group

How to Get Money From ASUU (travel or SIG related)

To apply for funding for your SIG, please apply through the "Finance" portal in CampusConnect.


If you are interested in creating a new student interest group, please follow the below steps.

  1. Make sure this group doesn’t already exist
    1. List of Groups
    2. Category: Medical School Student Interest Group
  2. Attend an Information Session
    1. Learn Guidelines
    2. Receive a template for writing a consultation
    3. Learn Processes & Systems
    4. Participation is marked and recorded
  3. Submit your application
    1. You must have a completed constitution to submit your application
  4. Application Review
    1. Conducted by the Department of Student Leadership and Involvement
  5. Meet with an O.R.G.
    1. Learn how to use Campus Connect
    2. Learn how to apply for funding
  6. Contact the School of Medicine
    1. Email for official Student Interest Group recognition.
  7. Reap the Benefits!
    1. Apply for funding for: event meals, merchandise, etc.
    2. Room reservation in the EHSEB (contact
    3. Travel compensation available for eligible students – apply through ASUU


*Pharmaceutical and medical device industry relationships with medical students are prohibited. This policy is to ensure medical students' training is free from real or perceived conflicts of interest from outside entities. Medical students and medical student interest groups (SIGs) or organizations/associations are expected to adhere to all applicable University of Utah and School of Medicine policies and procedures in addition to the policy prohibiting pharmaceutical and medical device industry relationships.*