Vascular Surgery
Vascular surgery addresses the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the vascular tree, including arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels, exclusive of those within the cranial cavity and the heart. The principle diseases treated involve those affecting the carotid arteries, the aorta, and those supplying the blood supply to the lower extremities, the kidneys, and the abdominal viscera. Common procedures performed include carotid endarterectomy, repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm, and revascularization of the lower extremities.
Specialists in this discipline are also experts in performing and interpreting diagnostic studies including ultrasound and angiography. The subspecialty emphasizes minimally invasive treatment, including endovascular treatment for abdominal aortic aneurysm and for relief of obstruction of blood flow to organs and tissues by means of angioplasty and deployment of intravascular stents. - The American Board of Medical Specialties
Residency Training
Duration of Training: 5 years (2 years in core surgical education and 3 years in vascular surgery).
Number of integrated programs nationally: 50
Overall competitiveness of the specialty: High
The Association for Program Directors in Vascular Surgery - Residents and Fellows