Attentional/Organization Problems
- Books
- Delivered from Distraction: Getting the Most out of Life with Attention Deficit Disorder by Edward M. Hallowell M.D. and John J. Ratey M.D.; Ballantine Books; (12/2005); 416 p.
- More Attention, Less Deficit: Success Strategies for Adults with ADHD, by Ari Tuckman, PsyD; Specialty Press/A.D.D. Warehouse (4/2009); 380 p.
- Recommended Apps or Blogs
- Google Now, free: If you need every aspect of your life organized in neat packages, this app is for you. The app organizes just about everything you can think of, giving you assistance around the clock. Info is organized into cards that provide all the info you need without you having to spend time searching.
- 24me,free: If you are forgetful, then you need a virtual personal assistant that works like a second brain. 24me auto-generates reminders so you will never miss an important meeting or event, or forget to pay a bill. 24me combines your calendar, to-do lists and notes all in one easy to use, clutter free app. It syncs with other apps like Facebook to send messages to your friends on their birthday in case it slipped your mind, lets you share notes with coworkers or friends, and combines just about every part of your life into one package.
- Wunderlist, free: If you love lists or need to work on creating easy formats to organize your thoughts, the things you have to do, or even the movies you want to watch, than Wunderlist is for you. The app combines organization and productivity with the classic to-do list— all in a sleek package. Users can share lists with others and have conversations about them. It comes in handy when planning a family vacation or delegating someone to run out for milk.
- Other Supports and Resources
Email: somwellness@hsc.utah.edu