Schaeffer Research Lab
The Schaeffer Research Lab studies how to optimize and systematize the delivery of pediatric urology care in the Mountain West. This involves examining antenatal hydronephrosis, or kidney swelling (hydronephrosis), that is diagnosed in utero (antenatally). Our Utah Cohort of Antenatal hydronephrosis (U-CANh) study aims to better understand the evolution of mild, moderate, and severe kidney swelling; clarify risk factors for surgery; and understand the variability of care patterns for these children. The goal is to create an evidence-based algorithm that will standardize the timing of radiological studies tailored to each hydronephrosis grade.
The Schaeffer Research Lab also utilizes the Utah Population Database to elucidate the heritability of hypospadias, clarify the influence of adolescent varicocele on subfertile semen parameters in adulthood, and understand the long-term influence of lower urinary tract surgery on patients with spina bifida.