T32 Computational Approaches to Diabetes and Metabolism
ABOUT The T32 Training Grant
This training grant is designed to cross-train a cadre of predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees in the computational and mathematical sciences and in the biological basis of diabetes and obesity. These bioinformatics scientist trainees will gain the expertise and leadership skills to apply computational and mathematical methods to complex biological questions that will ultimately impact the prevention, treatment, and outcomes of people with diabetes and related metabolic diseases. This training program is a combination of mentored research and career development training, coursework, and extensive interactions with faculty and trainees across campus and beyond.
Each trainee is required to have at least one computational and one biological mentor to serve as the foundation of their mentoring team. Computational mentors can be pulled from the broad fields of Genomics, Clinical Informatics, Big Data Analytics, Mathematical Biology, Data Visualization and Scientific Computing, or Structural Computing. Biological mentors can be pulled from research themes of Adipose Biology and Insulin Control, Metabolic Mechanisms, and Diabetic Complications, or Vascular Biology. The T32 training grant funds research training of 3 predocs and 2 postdoc positions at the interface of informatics and biology or medicine. The grant has a dual mentor model where the trainee is guided in both computational methods and a diabetes or metabolism domain area. Mentors for this training program and application details available upon request. Please contact the Academic Program Manager.
Current Trainees
Please contact the Academic Program Manager with any questions/concerns.
This training program makes special efforts to recruit individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and those from economically, socially, culturally or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds, into careers in biomedical informatics. These positions are for US citizens and permanent residents.
Previous Trainees

“I have gained much more understanding of the biological basis of diabetes. Coming from the fields of engineering and informatics, and having very little background in biochemistry and basic science research, I have found the course BIOC 6600 to be a great way to fill in some of those gaps.”

“This was a unique opportunity that I have not previously had, having focused for most of my career on basic science. I found this to be an engaging and eye-opening experience. Seeing patients suffering from diseases I study through basic research processes provides further motivation to identify critical pathways and modifier genes that could be potential targets for future therapeutics, or that could serve to better identify at risk populations for preventative measures and treatments.”