Opportunities Throughout Residency
Utah StARR (Stimulating Access to Research in Residency) Program
- NIH funded Longitudinal primary care research opportunity available to incoming residents
- Separate match reserved for resident on this track annually
- Interested first year residents should review the StARR website
Selected Committees within Division, Department, and University
- University of Utah Primary Care Research Network
- New Proposals Working Group
Teaching Opportunities
- WATS- Start teaching in 2nd year
- Survival Skills
- 3rd year medical student didactics
- Grand Rounds
- Precepting PA, NP students and medical students in clinic
Leadership Opportunities
- Clinic Quality Improvement Projects with residents serving as lead
- Serving as Chief Resident
- Taking the lead on a project for a topic about which you are passionate
- Longitudinal Practice Management and Leadership
- Research Elective
- Junior Attending Elective
Pertinent Societies
Beyond membership, consider presenting at one of the several conferences throughout the year.
- American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
- Family Physicians Inquiries Network
- Work with faculty for peer-reviewed publication
- North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)
- Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM)
- Annual Spring Conference
- Conference on Medical Student Education
- Conference on Practice Improvement
- Utah Academy of Family Physicians (UAFP)
Opportunities After Residency
- Primary Care Research Fellowship