Studies Overview
CEIBA: Creighton Model Effectiveness, Intentions and Behaviors Assessment
The primary goal of the CEIBA study is to assess the effectiveness of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrM) to avoid pregnancy with newer statistical methods, and in the context of motivations, intentions and behaviors of the participating couples during its use.
Fertility Experiences Study
Although there have been major advances in infertility treatment, there are significant concerns about the health sequelae for children conceived through infertility treatments. Major questions remain regarding the true incidence and etiology of these adverse outcomes, particularly in relation to whether they are attributable to conditions related to the underlying infertility, or to the treatments employed, or both. This study explores possible answers to these questions for couples facing decisions about infertility treatment, and for providers seeking to care for these couples and their children. This project will develop preliminary data that will support application for funding for prospective studies.
Fertility Experiences Study Expansion
There is some evidence to suggest that that children conceived following infertility treatment may suffer from developmental delays. However, findings in the published literature are limited and mixed. In order to understand more about the association between infertility, fertility treatment, and child development, we are expanding upon the recently completed Fertility Experiences Study (FES). We are collecting developmental data about children conceived with infertility treatment and those conceived naturally following infertility from women who completed the FES study.
Home Observation of Periconceptional Exposures (HOPE) Study
Current methods for determining the most fertile day use lab tests, but they are expensive and not practical for long-term use. The Home Observation of Periconceptional Exposures (HOPE) Study uses a novel and simple method for determining ovulation/conception near the time that it occurs, known as the Peak Day method. Learn more or become a study participant.
iNEST Study
iNEST stands for the International NaProTechnology Evaluation and Surveillance of Treatment. NaProTechnology (NPT) is a treatment option for infertility or miscarriage that identifies issues in a couple’s fertility and fixes them to the extent possible by medical intervention. The purpose of the study is to look at outcomes among couples who consider or get NPT treatment to help them conceive or maintain a pregnancy.
Identifying your PEAK DAY of Fertility
The purpose of the PEAK DAY study is to evaluate how well women can learn to identify their PEAK DAY of fertility by reading and following the instructions in a simple educational brochure. If we show that women can identify their PEAK DAY of fertility using this simple educational tool, then future studies of fetal development or environmental exposures during pregnancy could use this method rather than relying on expensive laboratory testing.
Time To Pregnancy Study
The purpose of this study is to determine how long it takes couples of normal fertility to get pregnant once they begin to try. It is observational in nature with no blood tests or medications. All participants receive information about their own individual fertility cycles and reproductive hormones, based on fertility charting and urine testing.