Time to Pregnancy
Study of Time to Pregnancy in Normal Fertility
Researching the parameters of normal human fertility
The study has completed enrollment as of June 30, 2005. We successfully enrolled over 100 women and have published several papers with results.
The purpose of this study is to determine how long it takes couples of normal fertility to get pregnant once they begin to try. It is observational in nature with no blood tests or medications. All participants receive information about their own individual fertility cycles and reproductive hormones, based on fertility charting and urine testing. Participants in this study are randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group will receive instruction about identifying the days when a woman is mostly likely to get pregnant from intercourse, and the other group will receive instructions about the menstrual cycle, fertility, and preparing for pregnancy.
All participants will keep a daily fertility chart and use a computerized device called the Fertility Monitor with urine dipsticks to monitor hormones of the menstrual cycle. Detailed data from the Fertility Monitor will be given at the end of the study, which is about seven months after study entry, or when you become pregnant, whichever comes first. Benefits from participating in the study include the following:
- You will receive information about some of the important hormones produced by your body’s reproductive system, as measured by the Fertility Monitor.
- You will develop an increased knowledge and awareness of your own personal menstrual cycle and fertility patterns.
- You will receive information that will help you increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.
- You might be able to achieve pregnancy more rapidly than if you were not involved in this study.
- This study will contribute to increased scientific understanding of human fertility.
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
375 Chipeta Way, Suite A
Phone: 801-587-3616
PI: Joseph B. Stanford, MD, MSPH
Study funded by The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Health Studies Fund, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of U