Prospective Trainees
Thank you for your interest in applying for a Graduate Medical Education (GME) trainee position at the University of Utah Health (UUH).
GME Trainee Selection
Each UUH GME training program has unique selection criteria for GME trainee applicants; however, all applicants must also meet institutional selection requirements. A brief summary of the requirements are below. Review the UUH GME Resident Selection Policy for full details.
- The applicant must have graduated from an accredited (LCME or AOA) allopathic or osteopathic medical school, an accredited dental school, or have an ECFMG certificate if an international medical graduate.
- All PGY1 applicants must have passed USMLE Step1, Step 2CK, and Step 2CS exams (or equivalent COMLEX or LMCC exams).
- All PGY2 and above applicants must have passed USMLE Step 1, Step 2CK, Step 2 CS, and Step 3 (or equivalent COMLEX or LMCC exams) and must be eligible, by your contracted hire date, for a Utah medical license (PGY2 – completed 12 months of accredited training; PGY3 and above – completed at least 24 months of accredited training).
- We are aware that some applicants’ exams have been delayed/cancelled due to COVID-19. Those will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
- Contact the program director or coordinator if you do not meet any of these criteria or for program-specific requirements before applying to the program.
Once selected and offered a GME trainee position, your agreement is contingent upon meeting all UUH credentialing requirements. If these requirements cannot be met, your contract will be rescinded. If these requirements are delayed for any reason, your hire date will also be delayed until completion. In addition to the selection requirements above, a brief summary of credentialing requirements is below.
- Verification of all previous training and employment since medical school graduation
- Documentation of required immunizations
- Satisfactory National Practitioner Data Bank report (PGY2 and above)
- Satisfactory criminal background check
- Completion of institutional HIPAA training modules
- Completion of VA required online training (for specific programs)
- Required visa documentation for non-citizens
- Documentation of US Social Security card
- Satisfactory drug test
International Medical Graduates
International medical graduate applicants may apply to GME trainee programs in the same manner as graduates of medical schools in the United States or Canada, and will be subject to the same selection criteria and credentialing requirements.
The Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) is the starting point for all international medical graduates. Information concerning ECFMG certification, examinations, sponsorship, visas, DS2019 forms, and other issues is available on the ECFMG web site at www.ecfmg.org.
Any graduate of a medical school outside the United States or Canada is NOT ELIGIBLE to enter a United States GME trainee program without ECFMG certification. Any applicant who is not a US citizen or US permanent resident (green card) is NOT ELIGIBLE to enter a University of Utah GME trainee program without an institutionally sponsored visa. For more detailed information, refer to the University of Utah IMG Eligibility and Exams policy.
The majority of first-year applications must be submitted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (E.R.A.S.), a centralized, online application service used to transmit your application, along with supporting documents, to GME training programs. For programs that do not participate through the National Resident Matching Program in the Main Match, please refer to the training program’s website for further information.
Most first-year positions are made through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), a private, not-for-profit corporation established to provide a uniform date of appointment to positions in graduate medical education. Each year, NRMP conducts a GME trainee match that is designed to optimize the rank ordered choices of applicants and program directors. NRMP is not an application processing service; rather, it provides an impartial venue for matching applicants’ and programs’ preferences consistently. In March, the results of the Main Match are announced. Please refer to the training program’s website for information about participation in fellowship matches.
GME Trainee Agreement
Applicants to programs may be interested in reviewing the University of Utah Health Trainee Agreement. Here is the 2025-2026 Trainee Agreement, which is revised annually to reflect current policies and practices.
Trainee Stipend
GME trainees receive annual stipends. Stipend levels are reviewed and adjusted each year. The FY25 Stipend Letter indicates current stipends and briefly describes GME trainee benefits. FY26 Stipend Letter, indicates the stipend levels for the upcoming academic year.