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Graduate Medical Education

Trainee Resources

Contact the GME Office with any questions or concerns at or 801-581-2401.

General GME Resources

    GME Trainee Privileges and Support
    The purpose of this document is to help clarify some of your privileges, unique benefits, and the level of support you can expect from the University of Utah and the Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME).  Our vision, mission, and values are driven by how we may best support you. 

    Bright Horizons Emergency Back-up Care
    Bright Horizons emergency back-up care provides eligible employees from the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics and Health Sciences with 10 days of annual care when your regular care is unavailable (a child is sick, or childcare is closed for holiday, etc.). In addition, Bright Horizons provides 10 extra days of care to parents of Newborn children.  
    Register and Reserve Care Now: Visit    Employer Username: UUHS | Password: backup 
    If you have any trouble registering, you can reach out to Bree Murphy for assistance, call 801-213-7334 or email

    Clinic for GME Trainee Health 
    This is a GME trainee only general primary care clinic for semi-urgent needs for acute illness, prescription refills and health maintenance. This is not for long term primary care needs. To schedule an appointment, call 801-213-4481. This is a dedicated phone number to enable scheduling only by trainees and only for this specific clinic. Appointments cannot be scheduled using MyChart or the regular clinic phone numbers.

    Communications (Paging)
    You will have the choice to either use the SPOK mobile app or obtain a physical pager. Smart Web is the UUH paging system.  Exceptions: Pediatrics trainees receive their pagers from PCH.  Anesthesiology trainees receive cell phones from the department.

    Commuter Services (Parking Permits)
    The “A” permit is most commonly chosen and allows you to park in the A and U lots, as well as the Shoreline Ridge Garage on levels 2, 3, and 4 only. Email or call us at 801-581-6415 and state you are a “GME Trainee”, include your UNID, the Permit Type, and the vehicle plate number (up to 2 vehicles). A permit cost: ~$828/year or ~$34.50/month for payroll deduction. You can also find the live shuttle tracker on the Commuter Service link above.

    CV/ Resume Writing Resources
    Here are a few University resources available to you for CV/Resume writing.
    University Writing Center
    The University Writing Center (UWC) and the Vice President for Research are proud to offer convenient assistance for faculty and graduate students in the writing process. Writing Fellow services are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please plan ahead, especially near common grant and publication deadlines.
    CV and Resume Workshop

    Disability Insurance for GME trainees
    University of Utah Health, at no cost to you, automatically provides a medical specialty specific long term disability income policy (*Dental residents are not eligible). As you complete your training, you have the opportunity to continue this coverage and increase your disability plan without medical underwriting, provided you have not applied for individual disability income in the past 12 months or have had insurance declined in the past 7 years. Please contact The Standard Insurance Company with any questions.
    Phone – 801-433-1630
    Jeremy Barlow, CLU, CFP –
    Jeffrey Lewis, CLU, ChFC –
    Kevin Samuelson –

    Employee Discount Services
    Get discounts on cell phone plans, event tickets, and other services.

    Employment Contract Review Resources
    Kelly McBeain
    University of Utah Attorney
    Rate: $100.00 per hour  

    Mike Blackburn
    Blackburn & Stoll, LC
    Phone: (801)587-3500
    Email (email is for his assistant Denise)
    Rate: $200 per contract

    Feed U Pantry
    The Feed U Pantry is open to all University of Utah students, faculty, and staff with a current University of Utah ID. The pantry is located on the basement level of the A. Ray Olpin Union building.

    Financial Advisement and Student Loan Support
    These resources are not officially affiliated with the University and we make no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy of the information provided as they have not otherwise been vetted.

    Trainees who rotate at the VA, get your fingerprinting directions: Phone extension is 801-584-1284*4058. Located in Bldg 4 Rm 1B12. Hours 8a-4p
    All other fingerprinting needs, please visit University of Utah Fingerprinting Service.

    Health, Dental & Life Benefits
    Contact Campus Benefits at 801-581-7447 or for questions related to your Health, Dental, Life & Disability Insurance benefits.  Registration instructions are included in your MedHub onboarding package. Be sure to register for the WellU Premium Discount.  

    Library Resources
    Eccles Health Science Library 
    Access databases, electronic journals, and the library catalog. 
    The Eccles Library has added a subscription to: BoardVitals
    BoardVitals is a powerful exam review tool with access to review questions and practice tests for over 40 Medical Board exams. (Registration is required for access)

    • REGISTER HERE  or use the "Create an account" option from the sign in screen to register for an account using your email address. Once you have created an account you can use it to login on future visits to BoardVitals.
    • The Getting Started Guide is helpful in learning how to create test banks, take practice exams, etc.

    Library Quick Start Guide
    Marriot Library
    Access databases, electronic journals, and the library catalog.

    You may request a mortgage letter from your program coordinator/manager confirming your training dates and stipend amount.  Please note, your program may not sign off that all contract contingencies have been met until after completion of your criminal background check and drug screen.  These items occur at a specific time through the credentialing process and may not be completed early to meet your mortgage needs. It may be necessary to secure these items outside of the UUH at your own expense.  If necessary, be prepared to adjust your mortgage plans accordingly.

    Notary Services
    Go to the Utah Notary home page click on “Find a Notary”. Type in a zip code to find the nearest notary available.

    Offboarding letter
    This letter was created as one large resource for all the useful information and resources for our graduating trainees about:

    • Benefits/COBRA Insurance
    • Malpractice/Liability Insurance Letters
    • Immunization Records
    • Copies of Licensure
    • Verification/Certificate of Training
    • Staying on as Faculty
    • & More

    Partners in Medicine
    Local resource for housing, mortgages, financial advisors, etc.

    Payroll, Leaves, ADA accommodations
    The GME Office is your resource for payroll, Leaves (FMLA, DLOA, etc.), and ADA accommodations. For more information please contact the GME office at

    Physical Health Resources for GME Trainees
    Learn about the many physical health opportunities around the state.

    Policies – Graduate Medical Education 
    All GME policies may be found here.  Contact the GME Office if you have any questions.

    Pocket Guide
    Provides quick information on professional liability coverage, patient safety reporting, I.T. services, and Rapid Response guidelines.

    Privacy Office
    Learn about your responsibilities for protecting information about University employees and hospital patients.

    Public Safety
    Find out how the Public Safety department works to keep us safe.

    Recovery Assistance Program
    Link to Federation of State Physician Health Programs.

    Resident Interdisciplinary Council (RIC)
    The RIC is a team of residents from all specialties working together to represent current concerns and improve quality of life for residents and fellows.  They provide a safe forum for trainee concerns to be discussed with GME, offer social actives, and represent all residents and fellows on academic committees. 

    Resiliency Center
    The Resiliency Center houses resources essential to professional fulfillment. They aim to promote personal resilience, reduce individual burden and create an optimal work environment. You can utilize a burnout, anxiety/depression screening self-assessment, as well as find access to reporting and services for substance misuse in the workplace.

    Retirement Benefit
    Beginning July 1, 2024, Trainee will be automatically be enrolled in a 401(a) Defined Contribution Retirement Plan with immediate vesting funded by the University and Affiliated Hospitals. The percentage contributed for FY25 is 1%, FY26 is 2%, and FY27 is 3%. Future percentages will be determined by October 1, 2026.

    Tax Services 
    For questions on W-2s or Non-US Citizens with questions about FICA Tax Exemptions, contact or (801) 581-3428.
    Former Trainees/employees may request previous W2s through the Tax Services website.

    GME Trainee Agreement

    Applicants to programs may be interested in reviewing the University of Utah Health Trainee Agreement. Here is the 2025-2026 Trainee Agreement, which is revised annually to reflect current policies and practices.

    Trainee Stipend
    GME trainees receive annual stipends. Stipend levels are reviewed and adjusted each year. The FY25 Stipend Letter indicates current stipends and briefly describes GME trainee benefits. FY26 Stipend Letter, indicates the stipend levels for the upcoming academic year. 

    UCard Office
    Learn how to use your University Badge (UCard) for free use of TRAX/Buses/Frontrunner, hospital door access, campus/hospital dining, bookstore discounts, library privileges, and other services. Your badge also grants you 3 sets of scrubs from the ScrubEx machines.  Please note: UCards will be provided by the GME Office during your GME Orientation.  For those in need of a PCH badge, this will be handled by your program coordinator.  Do not attempt to obtain the badge on your own.

    Utah State Official Site
    Find information on obtaining a driver’s license, location of schools, politics, child care, local recreation, etc.

    Veteran Affairs (VA) Resources
    For any trainees who will rotate at the VA, find useful information such as a map of the VA campus, Remote Access Guide, VA OSHA Respirator Questionnaire, etc.

    GME Wellness
    The GME Wellness Office exists to help ensure trainees thrive during their training experience.  Among other services we offer wellness coaching, mental health counseling, a wellness elective, debrief groups, and an appreciation campaign.  Our counseling services are free, completely confidential, with no records in the hospital system and no insurance involvement.

    Work Wellness Center  (WWC)
    If necessary, schedule an appointment to complete your immunization records.  Contact the WWC at 801-581-2227, They are located in Area E of the main hospital (ACC LL2, M-F, 7:30a-3:30pm). Let them know you are an incoming GME trainee.

    Abbreviation Policy
    Provides/improves accurate communication among health care providers.

    Campus Information System (CIS) 
    Update your mailing address in CIS 24 hours after your hire date. When your “Employee” section appears in CIS, under your name in the top right corner, click on “Employee Profile” to then update your Home/Mailing Address.

    Digital Resources
    Here is a quick glance at some of the digital resources you may need as a GME trainee at University of Utah Health.

    Direct Deposit, W2/W4, View Paychecks
    Set up direct deposit for your paychecks 24 hours after your hire date to ensure you receive your first paycheck. In CIS, under the Employee section, click on the Payroll, Taxes and Salary icon, then go to the Direct Deposit and W-4 Tax Information icons to complete these steps. NOTE: Pay checks are issued on the 7th and 22nd of each month (the Friday before if it falls on a weekend). Your first payday: 6/24 hire date (July 7); 7/1 hire date (July 22); 7/8 hire date (7/22); 8/1 (8/22).

    Epic-Embedded Librarian Evidence Support service
    Conveniently located within Epic’s Message Basket system, you now have the ability to request evidence-based information from the library without breaking clinic workflow.  In addition, librarians have access to the patient record and therefore can provide evidence tailored to a specific clinical scenario.

    Pain Management Card
    Quick guide describing patient pain management.

    Patient Interpreter Services
    Instructions on how to add an interpreter to a MyChart Virtual Visit. This functionality allows you to invite a qualified interpreter directly into a MyChart Virtual Visit.

    Professional Practice Booklet
    This booklet is intended to reference updated information about essential practices at U of U Health, which may impact mandated regulatory standards.

    Project Connector
    Connects faculty, students, and trainees interested in research and/or quality improvement projects across disciplines.

    ResQ - Work Hour Reporting
    Trainees can now record work hours automatically with ResQ. The ResQ app automatically senses arrival and departure from any hospital and records those hours – no manual input is required. After ResQ records, the hours automatically sync to the trainees Work Hours module within MedHub. Once the hours are in MedHub, trainees can easily Review, Edit and Submit through the MedHub.
    Getting Started with ResQ 
    ResQ Trainee Resources 
    ResQ Support

    RQI – BLS, ALS, PALS certifications
    Not all GME trainees are required to keep BLS, ALS and/ or PALS certifications during their training as determined by your program director. Please see GME Policy 1.4 for a list of Included programs. <br>For all trainees not required, GME cannot add these RQI modules to your LMS profile.
    If you feel that you need certifications for any reason, the following website will search all local AHA certification courses: AHA Find a Course.
    For those required and need to print a two-year certificate this link on pulse will walk you through accessing the official certifications: View your RQI Card.

    ScrubEx Machines 
    GME trainees are automatically given three scrub credits on your UCard upon hire. For any issues, please contact Jenn Coffey in the GME Office at If Jenn is not available contact Vanessa Salt with Linen Services at 801-213-2477 or  

    TeleHealth Visit Resources
    Find up to date information on UUH Telehealth resources. Access TeleHealth training slides here.

    University Information Technology
    Learn about your responsibilities for keeping computer information secure.

    Advocate Mistreatment Reporting

    Communication Expectations
    Basic patient communication expectations of health care providers.

    Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct
    The Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct handbook provides direction to appropriate resources and to assist employees in acting responsibly.

    Report Learn Safety
    Guidelines on patient safety reporting.