Bonkowsky Lab
Mechanisms and diseases in neurodevelopment.
Carlson Lab
Contributions of inflammatory mediators to age-related neurodegenerative disease and multiple sclerosis.
Christian Lab
Regulation of BMP activity; non-canonical and canonical Wnt signaling in hematopoiesis
Deans Lab
Developmental processes of cellular morphogenesis and patterning in the primary sensory system.
Douglass Lab
Functional anatomy of neuromodulatory circuits
Dorsky Lab
My laboratory studies the molecular mechanisms that regulate neurogenesis. We use zebrafish as a model organism, focusing on the role of Wnt signaling during development and regeneration.
Gregg Lab
Genomic imprinting and epigenetic and genetic pathways that influence neuronal circuits that regulate behavior
Heys Lab
My lab leverages in vivo optical imaging techniques in order to uncover the synaptic and cellular mechanisms that underlie the brain’s ability to form and recall episodic memories.
Link Lab
Our goal is to identify essential pathways linked to human neurodevelopmental disease. We study these pathways during normal development and in disease states using model systems to identify essential and conserved biological processes.
Maricq Lab
Mills Lab
Park Lab
Characterize the enzymatic properties of a family of GDE enzymes that shed GPI anchors from the plasma membrane.
Shcheglovitov Lab
We study human synapses in health and disease. We seek to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the development of healthy synapses as well as synaptic abnormalities in human neurons. The ultimate goal of our research is to fuel the discovery of effective treatments for patients with neuropsychiatric disorders associated with autism, intellectual disability, schizophrenia, and epilepsy.
Shepherd Lab
My lab is interested in elucidating the fundamental cellular and molecular processes that underlie memory formation. In particular we are interested in the elucidation of the protein machinery at the synapse that governs long-term storage of information, and how basic cell biological processes have been elaborated in neurons for the purpose of modulating synaptic transmission. In addition, we are interested in how these processes go awry in neurological diseases.
Vetter Lab
My laboratory is focused on understanding the molecular pathways controlling neural development and degeneration in the retina. The retina is of critical importance since disorders of eye development can lead to congenital blindness, while degeneration of retinal neurons can cause progressive blindness at later ages.
Wachowiak Lab
We study how neurons in the brain represent and process information about the external world. We are interested in how neural circuits transform sensory representations, and particularly interested in how animals actively acquire sensory information to guide goal-directed behavior. We use optical and genetic tools to monitor and manipulate the function of neural circuits in the brain during sensation and behavior, using the mouse olfactory system as a model.
Williams Lab
Research in the Williams lab focuses on understanding how cell adhesion molecules instruct neurons to build the right type of synapse with the right synaptic partners and what happens to brain function if this process goes awry.
Zelikowsky Lab
My lab is interested in understanding the brain circuits and neural mechanisms underlying the effects of stress on fear, anxiety and social behavior.