A Latin reminder of purpose, Mortui vivos docent (the deceased teach the living), is found etched in anatomy laboratories worldwide. Profound as they may be, these words vastly understate the value of and the need for human anatomical material to further education and research.
We are living in an age of accelerated medical learning and increasing knowledge. This knowledge compounds daily and ultimately improves the quality of life of all people. During these times when medical dreams are becoming reality, more anatomical material is needed to meet the demands of medical education and research.
The Body Donor Program administered by the University of Utah Department of Neurobiology is one of few programs in the Intermountain West dedicated to providing anatomical material for the ever-growing educational and research needs of medical science.
How do I donate?
Formalize you or your loved one’s donation by completing the Body Donor Forms (known as the “Certificate of Bequeathal”)
Read our frequently asked questions.
Body Donation- Full Circle
Contact Us
For questions about body donation please call, email, or write to:
Heath Holverson
520 Wakara Way
SLC, Utah 84112
Email: bodydonor@lists.utah.edu
You can help the Body Donor Program by making a small financial donation. CLICK HERE TO DONATE MONEY
Body Donor Awards