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The purpose of the study is to better understand the relationship between epilepsy and mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) in post-9/11 veterans. Previous military studies have shown associations with epilepsy in moderate and severe traumatic brain injury groups; however, gaps of knowledge still exist in relation to mild head injury groups. This study is two studies combined intended for service members who have served post 9/11.


This study explores post-traumatic epilepsy and blood biomarkers to understand the relationship between TBI and epilepsy in veterans who served post 9/11. In the blood biomarker sample, we are searching for anything in the blood that could tell us why some TBI develops into epilepsy. 


Subjects without epilepsy are examined through neurocognitive testing, blood work, and surveys. For those with epilepsy, the aforementioned battery is administered plus an EEG (electroencephalography) combined with a discovery interview to determine the presence of epilepsy. We are 1.5 years into this study, which we anticipate to be 5 years long, and have 250 participants. We will compare how TBI can turn into epilepsy in veterans post 9/11 to examine the relationship between the two. 

Inclusion/exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria: 

  • Service members who have served post 9/11 with TBI, non TBI, epilepsy, non epilepsy are encouraged to participate. 

Exclusion criteria: 

  • Contraindications to MRI testing
  • Being unable to travel to Salt Lake City


To learn more about PTE, please visit some of the following resources:

  • Mary Jo Pugh is a researcher who has examined the relationship between traumatic brain injury and epilepsy, click here to learn about her research.

If you are interested in participating in the study, please contact us via email: VHASLCSVCTORCH@VA.GOV (The Trajectories of Resilience, Community, and Health Lab)