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A key aim of the Center is to facilitate a Community of Practice. Towards that end, the Center recognizes Community of Practice members through an affiliate membership.

Affiliate Members are individuals with an expressed interest in the mission and values of the center and TWH, and must fulfill at least one of the following criteria:

  • A researcher who is conducting work related to the aims, mission, or value of U-POWER
  • A recipient of Center funds through internal funding mechanisms (e.g. Research Pilot Project Program, Outreach Core mini-grants, the Emerging Issues program)
  • An individual or organization invested in work equity who is interested in providing their experience and/or expertise to Center activities, leveraging Center resources, or partnering with Center researchers

Affiliate Members of the Center are expected to participate in at least one Center activity annually, such as seminars, outreach activities, and/or education/training. Further, Affiliate Members are expected to engage in Center activities, personnel, and partners in ways that are consistent with Center values, policies and processes, and bylaws, and that advance Center objectives and goals.