U-POWER's Outreach Core is committed to supporting community-initiated projects relevant to Total Worker Health® through mini-grants. Awards can be financial (between $500 and $2,500) or in-kind support (consultant hiring, fees paid, etc.) We support work in three areas: Partnership Development, Project Development, and Pilot Projects.
Partnership Development
U-POWER seeks to support applicants who are interested in developing new partnerships in service of Total Worker Health (TWH). Community members may either apply individually to be matched with a partner or apply jointly with a researcher, non-profit, for-profit, or other organization. All work conducted under the partnership must be on a non-profit basis. Funds are used to develop the partnership and increase capacity and may include any of the following:
- Mileage reimbursement for attendance at partnership development meetings
- Food for partnership development meetings
- Stipends to cover workers' time away from work to participate in development activities
- Consultation with a U-POWER-funded Community Health Worker
- Technical assistance from U-POWER (literature search, match with graduate student, creation of guidance documents, and other materials)
- And others! Explain the type of support you need and how it will assist you in developing a partnership.
Deliverables for the project might include 1) a report documenting capacity-building activities or 2) a plan for collaborative research with the chosen partner.
Project Development
Mini grants are also available to applicants who already have an existing partnership and seek to increase capacity or expand their reach. Applicants pursuing external funding are especially encouraged to apply. Some of the activities that the mini grants can be used to fund include the following:
- Registration fees for a course to develop research skills
- Stipend or salary time to develop a research protocol and write the grant
- Consultation with a U-POWER-funded Community Health Worker
- Fees to support certification
- Technical assistance from U-POWER (literature search, match with graduate student, creation of guidance documents, and other materials)
- And others! Explain the type of support you need and how it will assist you in developing a partnership.
Deliverables for the project might include 1) a report documenting capacity-building activities, 2) a grant proposal to an external funder, or 3) certification or completion document.
Pilot Projects
Community partners who are seeking external grant funding may request funds to support data collection in preparation for a proposal. Typical funding activities include any of the following:
- Partner stipend to cover time
- Travel to attend a meeting or focus group
- Funds to obtain professional transcription services
- Participant incentives
- Technical assistance from U-POWER (literature search, match with graduate student, creation of guidance documents, and other materials)
- And others! Explain the type of support you need and how it will assist you in developing a partnership.
Deliverables for the project might include 1) a report of the methods suitable for an external grant proposal or 2) a draft of a grant proposal.
Contact camie.schaefer@utah.edu for assistance with mini grant applications, including concept discussion or support in creating the application. Applications should be 2 (double-spaced, typed) pages describing the four following components:
- Why your project is important to the community you serve.
- What you hope to achieve following successful completion of the project.
- How you plan to achieve your goals. Include the following elements:
- At least two concrete objectives. Consider using the SMART goals framework.
- Your approach. How will you go about achieving your objectives?
- A description of your team and how it will function.
- A timeline of when you expect activities will be completed.
- Outcomes you expect. Please include at least one short-term goal and one long-term goal.
- A brief description of funds requested (total amount, what funds will be used for).
We have or are in the process of funding several mini grants and have closed applications for any projects requesting financial support. However, you are welcome to apply for in-kind support (consulting, literature review, student support).