Clinical Experiences
Our Program
April 2020
The fellows have the opportunity to rotate with fellowship-trained faculty in the following areas
- Emergency medicine/sports medicine
- Family practice/sports medicine
- Foot and ankle surgery
- Hand surgery
- Internal medicine/sports medicine
- Musculoskeletal radiology
- Sports ultrasound
- Orthopedics/sports medicine
- Pediatric Sports Medicine
- Physical therapy
- PM&R/sports medicine
- Orthopaedic Injury Clinic (MSK urgent care)
- Sports concussion
- Women's sports health
- Lifestyle medicine clinic
During the winter, the fellows work 1-2 days per week at a local mountain resort ski clinic. This experience provides exposure to the full range of acute injuries that occur in skiing and snowboarding. The fellows have substantial exposure to sports ultrasound. Exposure to fluoroscopically guided procedures is also available for interested fellows.
The fellowship provides year-long and in depth educational experiences in sports ultrasound, including:
- A Foundations of Sports Ultrasound training session at the beginning of the year
- A series of 8-10 hands-on, small group ultrasound training sessions on Friday mornings in August & September
- Regular ultrasound didactic sessions scheduled into the morning conference schedule
- One-half day per week throughout the year in a dedicated ultrasound clinic
- Diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound cases in the course of the regular sports medicine clinics
- Online, self-directed ultrasound module through AMSSM and AAPM&R