H.K. Dunn Orthopaedics Lab Facilities
Specimen Preparation Lab
The specimen preparation lab is designed for dissection and preparation. It contains 9 upright and 2 chest freezers for specimen storage, 1 refrigerator, a ventilated autopsy table, two fume hoods, 2 Stryker arthroscopy towers, a dishwasher, surgical supplies and hardware, clinical power tools (sag saw, pin drivers, drills, etc.) and a variety of specialized holding fixtures for maintaining specimens in orientations for specific procedures and dissection.

Specimen Analysis Lab
The specimen analysis lab contains all the equipment used in day-to-day experimentation in the ORL. This space contains a shoulder simulator, Optotrak, Instron, an 8-axis articulating spine simulator, c-arm fluoroscope, MinXray digital radiograph unit, video capture hardware, and an assortment of hand tools and fixtures for the various machines. The c-arm and x-ray unit are used to verify implant positioning in experimental procedures, and can be used during experimental testing of tissues and joints on the Instron and simulators.

Machine/Tool Room
The tool room is a drylab space outfitted with basic machining capabilities for fixture design, fabrication and repair. The room includes a tabletop lathe, mini-CNC, drill press, band saw, grinder, sanders, Dremel, power tools, and standard hand tools. The drylab also houses 3D printers used for rapid prototyping of bone segments from 3D medical image data and can be used to test experimental component design and fit prior to the expense of machining final components.

Motion Analysis Core Facility (MoCap)
The University of Utah Motion Analysis Core facility, co-directed by Drs. Anderson and Bo Foreman, is a centralized resource devoted to research in biomechanics and motion analysis. The MoCap facility is conveniently located in the Physical Therapy department, 200 yards from the Orthopaedic Center. The MoCap facility serves the University of Utah and related communities, performing motion capture and analysis, animations, and any general biomechanics, kinetics, kinematics, or mechanical analyses of motion. This facility is one of the most comprehensive motion analysis laboratories in the nation, housing 20 VICON Motion Analysis Systems cameras, a custom High-Speed Dual Fluoroscopy System, a Bertec Instrumented Treadmill, in-ground AMTI Force Plates, Instrumented Stairway, and 16-channel EMG system.