Students in Years 3-4 have the opportunity to enroll in a number of elective courses offered by the department:
- PATH 7020 – Clinical Pathology: The student will be exposed to the field of Laboratory Medicine (Clinical Pathology) through a variety of media. These include case conferences, laboratory rotations, and didactic session with pathology faculty. The student will work with the course director to tailor the teaching objectives of this elective. This course is intended for those students who are considering a career in Pathology. Faculty approval should be obtained two months prior to beginning the course.
- PATH 7050 – Anatomic Pathology: This course is offered at two sites: University Hospital and VAMC. The course is designed to provide introductory experience to the medical student interested in pursuing pathology as a career or another specialty such as surgery which relies heavily on interrelationships with anatomic pathologists. The student will have exposure to the processing of tissue specimens in surgical pathology, intraoperative consultations, microscopic examination of specimens, histology laboratory preparation of slides, and autopsy pathology. The student will work most closely with the residents on surgical pathology and autopsy services and will be able to participate in activities of the anatomic pathology laboratory with supervision of the resident(s), pathologists assistant(s), and/or staff pathologist(s). No paper or formal presentation is required. A maximum of one student at each institution is policy.
- PATH 7060 – Pediatric Pathology: The pediatric Pathology Course provides an opportunity to understand the diagnostic and consultative role of pediatric pathologists, learn basic principles of pediatric pathology, participate in conferences, and participate in a research project by special arrangement.
- PATH 7090 – Neuropathology: This four-week elective consists of attendance at relevant neuropathology and neurology conferences and seminars; review of current neuropathological materials, both gross and microscopic; observations of autopsies; and a research problem in an area of neuropathology.
- PATH 7120 – Forensic Pathology: An introduction to the pathology of sudden/unexpected death and the processes of medicolegal death investigations. Students will learn what a medical examiner case is, how these cases are investigated, the basic pathology of sudden death (both natural and unnatural) and how to properly complete the death certificate.