The categorical pediatric program emphasizes the skills, knowledge, and preparatory work necessary to excel - both within residency and beyond. Our curriculum provides a comprehensive education that prepares residents for careers in primary care, hospitalist medicine, clinical research, or subspecialty pediatrics. Individualized, career-focused curriculum is developed with increasing elective time over the course of residency, including elective time during intern year. Resident autonomy is fostered throughout residency, with graduating senior residents fully prepared to enter the next phase of their career.
Our “X+Y” curriculum (3 weeks traditional rotation + 1 ambulatory week) allows for a guaranteed week of outpatient and academic experience each month, while preserving time during the rest of the month for dedicated inpatient or elective experiences. During this “Y” week, residents spend 4-5 half days in their longitudinal outpatient experience (LOE) or continuity clinic. Other longitudinal experiences make up the remainder of the time during Y weeks, including courses on advocacy, behavior and development, subspecialty pediatrics, and individual or small group work on quality improvement or research.
Curriculum highlights
- Elective time throughout all three years of residency.
- 2nd year residents act as senior residents for two unique teams - a team composed of 3rd year medical students and a team of 1st and 2nd year family medicine residents.
- 3rd year residents rotate through the role of Admitting Resident, who protects the inpatient teams from admissions during rounds.
- Residents have the opportunity to rotate at community hospitals, rural clinics, and international settings.
Sample Schedule:
Sample Ambulatory Week:
Pediatric Pathways
Our program provides you with numerous, flexible opportunities to fulfill your career objectives. As part of our mentoring program, we have created pediatric pathways and templates that can serve as guides for you and your mentor as you create an individualized learning plan. These pathways and templates encompass all facets of pediatrics and provide you with suggestions on how to select schedules and electives that will enable you to achieve your career goal. These career trajectories are categorized according to the following paths: General Ambulatory Pediatrics, Pediatric Hospitalist, Subspecialty/Research, Global/Rural/Underserved Health.
Because we recognize that career goals may change as you move through residency training, our flexible pathways and templates enable residents to select electives from any of the pathways as they create their curricula. More than 30 different elective rotations are currently available to the residents in our program. Examples include: practice management, surgical subspecialties, outpatient gastroenterology and nutrition, radiology, rural pediatrics, and many others. Many of these electives are available longitudinally. Additional certifications are available including in lactation, medical Spanish, and Global/Rural and Underserved Health.