Program Policies
ARC standard A3.01 Program Policy Application
Program policies apply to all students, principle faculty and the program director in both Salt Lake and St. George campus locations. Clinical affiliation agreements may indicate that program policies may be superseded, when indicated by the individual agreement.
ARC standard A3.02 Policy Availability
The program provides policies and practices to students upon matriculation, and these policies and practices are published and made available to students within the UPAP student manual.
ARC standard A3.03 Student Recruitment of Clinical Sites
Students are not required to provide or solicit clinical sites or preceptors to the program. Students with contacts related to preceptors or clinical sites may provide these to the program, but all students are guaranteed clinical placement provided solely by the program.
ARC standard A3.04 Student Work Policy
PA students are not required to work for the program. Employment of any sort is discouraged by the program due to the full-time demands of the program, though student employment is not prohibited while within the program.
ARC standard A3.05 Instructional Faculty and Staff Policy
Students will not be utilized or substituted as instructional faculty, clinical or administrative staff. These functions are performed by program personnel.
ARC standard A3.06 Student Identification Policy
Students are required to wear the nametag provided by UPAP at all times while in clinical settings. Students will introduce themselves as “physician assistant students” and sign all documentation with their legible full signature followed by ‘PA-S’ or ‘PA student’. At no time should a student misrepresent him/herself as being any type of medical provider other than a physician assistant student. Students should not reference other credentials while acting as a PA student.
ARC standard A3.07 Student Health and Immunizations Requirements
Immunizations - Students who are accepted to the program must provide immunization records or proof of immunity to measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), varicella (chickenpox), and hepatitis B. Current TDaP (tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis combo), vaccination and current TB test is also required. UPAP also recommends that students obtain additional vaccinations for health care workers as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control which also includes meningococcal, and annual influenza vaccine. Specific immunizations are recommended for international rotations and students are asked to consult with the University of Utah Travel Clinic (801)-581-2898 prior to international travel.
ARC standard A3.08 Student Exposure Policy
Students involved in patient care environments may face risk of exposure to blood borne pathogens. These environments may include clinics, laboratories, community engagement or operative settings.
All students receive instruction in Universal Precautions prior to clinical experiences. Additional training is provided during clinical skills training and operating room orientation. The student manual contains step by step instructions for student exposures, and the student is instructed to contact the faculty clinical course director immediately.
ARC standard A3.09 Faculty Provision of Student Health Care Policy
Principle faculty, the program director and medical director are prohibited from providing or participating in health care provided to students, except in an emergency situation.
ARC standard A3.10 Student Referral Policy
The program will make every effort to facilitate referral to University of Utah services upon request. Services and contact information are published in the Student Manual. The University of Utah Counseling Center is available for walk in crisis services during business hours and can be contacted at: Room 426 Student Services Building, 201 S 1460 E, Salt Lake City, Utah. The phone number is 801-585-6826. Hours are Monday through Friday 8am – 5pm. Release time will be provided by the program to access services as requested.
ARC standard A3.12 (H) Student Service and Resource Availability
All student services are available to students at each campus location, including academic resources, counseling services and health care provision.
ARC standard A3.15 Student Academic Standards and Appeals Policies
The program publishes policies governing academic standards, requirements for progression and completion of the program, remediation and deceleration, withdrawal, dismissal, allegations of student mistreatment and handling of grievances and appeals in the Student Manual. Additionally, students may at any time contact the University of Utah Office of Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action or the Dean of Students Office if there are concerns for student mistreatment, sexual misconduct, discrimination or academic struggle.
The Office of Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action can be contacted at: 201 S President’s Circle, Rm 135, Salt Lake City, Utah. The phone number is 801-581-8365.
The Office of the Dean of Students Office Can be contacted at: Room 270, Student Union Building. 200 South Central Campus Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. The phone number is 801-585-7066.
ARC standard A3.16 Granting of Advanced Placement with the Program Policy
Students are not granted advanced placement within the University of Utah Physician Assistant Program. All students must complete all components of the program to be eligible for graduation.