Current Students
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Kwame Nkrumah University Science and Technology, Master of Statistics from Northern Arizona University
Research Interests: Data visualization, causal inference, survival analysis, statistical computing techniques relevant in health research
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics from University of Ghana, Master of Sciences in Statistics from University of Texas, El Paso
Research Interests: Moderation and mediation analysis, causal inference, survival analysis and application of machine learning algorithms in solving problems
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Statistics from from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Master of Statistics from Northern Arizona University
Research Interests: Longitudinal & multilevel data analysis, causal inference, survival analysis and statistical machine learning
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Mathematics from Brigham Young University
Research Interests: Survival analysis, NLP algorithms for deep learning, machine learning, electronic health records data, statistical inference, hidden Markov models, network analysis.
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Music from Duquesne University, Pennsylvania, Masters of Science in Biomedical Informatics from the University of Utah
Research Interests: Electronic health records, natural language processing, machine learning, longitudinal data analysis, causal inference, homelessness, infectious disease surveillance
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from Utah Valley University
Research Interests: Biosurveillance, machine learning, longitudinal analysis, natural language processing, and casual inference.
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Utah State University
Research interests: Linear Models, Multilinear Models, Machine Learning, Clinical Trials
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Bachelor of Arts in Biology from the University of Oklahoma, Master of Science in Mathematics from the University of Oklahoma
Research Interests: Missingness in longitudinal data, causal inference in observational frameworks, addiction research, statistical methods for health policy evaluation
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Financial Management from Hanyang University (Korea), Master of Statistics from the University of Utah
Research Interests: Clinical data analysis, missing data treatment, longitudinal analysis, causal inference and machine learning
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics from the University of Calgary, Master of Statistics from Brigham Young University
Research Interests: Dynamic treatment regime, causal inference, and precision medicine
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Mississippi State University, Master of Science in Statistics from the University of California, Irvine
Research Interests: Causal Inference, semiparametric theory, dynamic treatment regimes, clinical trials
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Preventive Medicine from Fujian Medical University (China), Master of Public Health from SUNY at Buffalo, Master of Biostatistics from SUNY Buffalo
Research Interests: Causal inference, clinical trials, data mining and statistical application in Omics data
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Honors Bachelor of Science in Finance, Master of Science in Mathematics from the University of Utah
Research interests: Clinical trial design, causal inference, longitudinal data analysis
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Arts in Statistics and Applications, University of Tehran
Research Interests: Advanced Statistical Methodologies: Specializing in survival analysis, causal inference, and longitudinal studies; Machine Learning Integration: Applying machine learning techniques to enhance healthcare data analysis; Epidemiological Modeling: Developing and calibrating agent-based models for public health research.
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Master in Science in Statistics from Northern Arizona University, Master in Science in Statistics & Data Science from the University of Nevada, Reno
Research Interests: Causal inference, survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor & Master of Science from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiruvananthapuram, Master of Science in Applied Statistics from Bowling Green State University, Ohio
Research Interests: Machine learning, Causal inference in cancer research
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Master of Science in Statistics from Montana State University
Research Interests: Causal inference, high-dimensional data analysis and visualization, clinical trials, and missing/censored data.
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Master of Science in Biostatistics from University of California, San Diego
Research Interests: Clinical trials, machine learning, deep learning in image analysis, and casual inference
Emphasis: Biostatistics
Education Background: Bachelor of Medicine in Nursing from Peking University (China), Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics from the University of Utah
Research Interests: Machine learning in healthcare, cost effectiveness analysis
Clinical & Translational Epidemiology
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science with a minor in Nutrition at the University of New Hampshire, Master of Science in Health and Exercise Science from Colorado State University
Research Interests: Investigating uses of physical activity to improve mortality, comorbidities, and quality of life in cancer survivors
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Weber State University
Research interests: Investigating novel and modifiable environmental exposures related to cancer risk and exploring inequalities across different population groups
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelors of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Toledo
Research Interests: Pharmacoepidemiology and cardiovascular diseases
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Human Biology, minor in Chemistry from Utah State University, Master of Science in Public Health with an emphasis in Global Health Epidemiology from The University of Michigan.
Research interests: Understanding modifiable lifestyle factors like nutrition, supplements, exercise, and wellness impact cancer survival and cancer risk, cancer prevention research, metabolomics and microbiome
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of University Studies in Population Health Data Science from University of Utah, Master of Science in Geography from University of Utah
Research Interests: Environmental exposures, perinatal complications, spatial data science and inequity
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Biology and Biochemistry and Masters in Public Health with a Public Health Policy emphasis the University of Arizona
Research Interests: Investigating inheritable genetic variants of complex diseases like cancer, both identifying new genetic variants and understanding the possible predictive and prognostic value of these variants
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences from University of Arizona, Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from National University
Research Interests: Cystic fibrosis related diabetes, nutrition and metabolism in cystic fibrosis, gastrointestinal manifestations of cystic fibrosis, bidirectional relationship between nutrition and mental health, behavioral interventions for improving nutrition and health outcomes
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: BSc in Ecology from the University of Georgia
Research Interests: Modeling the dynamics of infectious disease transmission, pathogen genomics, effectiveness of interventions
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Northern Michigan University, Master of Public Health from Westminster College
Research Interests: Infectious disease spread, prevention, and modeling, particularly in healthcare settings
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education Background: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Master of Science in Public Health from University of New England
Research Interests: Military and Veteran Health Outcomes
Emphasis: Clinical and Translational Epidemiology
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Physiology from North-West University, Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Physiology from University of Utah
Research Interests: Obesity Related Cancers
Health Systems Research
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science from Utah Valley University, Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Duke University
Research Interests: Health Services Research, Health Economics, Comparative Effectiveness, and Implementation Science
Emphasis: Health Systems & Innovation Research
Education Background: Associate of Science from Ensign College, Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science with a minor in Pediatric Clinical Research from the University of Utah, Master of Business Administration from Westminster University, Doctor of Business Administration from Drexel University
Research Interests: Investigating factors affecting both physician decision-making and medical innovation adoption, the role hospital operations have in affecting the quality of patient care, minority access to healthcare, the integration of lifestyle/epigenetic considerations into patient treatment plans, and continued development of medical devices to supplement patient medical care.
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in International Health from Bethel University, Master of Public Health from Indiana Wesleyan University
Research Interests: Addiction research, increasing access to care within vulnerable populations, and implementation science
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science, Master of Healthcare Administration & Master of Public Health from the University of Utah
Research interests: The intersection of public health and healthcare systems, particularly how the two fields can work better together to address health inequities in the community.
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Communication Studies from University of Iowa, Master of Sciences in Human Genetics from University of Michigan
Research Interests: Integration of genetics into primary care
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of General Psychology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Master of Psychometrics from Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran
Research interests: Health risk behaviors (addiction, gambling), health disparities in minority population, cognitive impairment in aging, traumatic brain injuries
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of Arts in Biology from St. Olaf College, Master of Physician Assistant Studies from St. Catherine University
Research interests: Addiction and Mental Health Research, Implementation Science, Health, and Health Disparities
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education background: Bachelor of Science in Biology from the University of Utah, Master of Business Administration from the University of the People
Research interests: Underutilization of Neurology Care to Underrepresented Ethnic Minority and Socioeconomic impact in Rare Neurological Conditions
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Education Background: Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from Colorado College, Master of Public Health in Health Policy & Clinical Practice from Dartmouth College
Research Interests: Substance use disorder, reproductive health, Native American health & health systems, community-based participatory research, Indigenous research methodology
Emphasis: Health Systems Research
Educational Background: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Utah
Research interests: Public policy, pain management, opioids, health disparities, alternative medicine