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PHS Postdoctoral Program

Welcome to the PHS Postdoctoral Program

At the Department of Population Health Sciences, we are dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive community for our postdoctoral scholars. Our comprehensive program, led by Co-Directors Drs. Rebecca Delaney and Nasser Sharareh, ensures that each scholar feels valued and integrated into our vibrant academic environment.

Rebecca Delaney, PhD

Co-Director, PHS Postdoctoral Program

Email Dr. Delaney

Nasser Sharareh, PhD

Co-Director, PHS Postdoctoral Program

Email Dr. Sharareh
PHS Postdoctoral Program


    PHS Department information and resources are available via our Pulse Team Site.
    Pulse is U of U Health's Intranet that can only be accessed by current PHS employees. If you are unable to access the site, email

    Postdoctoral Scholars Section

    Individual Development Plan (IDP) - Required to be completed within 3 months of your hire date.

    Population Health Sciences


    University Wide

    • Travel Awards
    • Pilot Grants
      • There are pilot grant opportunities at the University of Utah, but typically, faculty are only eligible. We recommend that you review opportunities for eligibility and consider co-submitting with mentor in situations where the faculty requirement exists.
      • Review opportunities offered through your professional societies.
    • T32 Training Grant Opportunities
    • GMaP
      • Sign up to receive information on funding opportunities (national and local RFAs) as well as training opportunities (grant writing, going on the job market, transition from trainee to faculty.




    Population Health Sciences

    • Seminars- contact Amelia Hopkins to present or for more info
      • Health Sciences Innovation and Research (work in progress)
      • Population Health Sciences (completed work)



    • If you make $60,000 or less you are eligible to file taxes for free. See the University free self-filing site for information.
    • There are also free tax clinics offered through the U during tax season!
    • *If you are on a T32 grant, you will need to make quarterly federal tax payments and pay your state taxes (annually) since these will no longer be automatically taken out of your paycheck. Reach out to Rebecca Delaney for any questions/help with this.

    International Postdocs