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I am a life-span developmental psychologist with expertise in mixed methods and patient-centered interventions. Specifically, my area of health services research focuses on developing interventions that promote patient and caregiver engagement in medical care and decisions related to chronic disease management.

I lead teams who create innovative interventions—designed for and by patients—to improve clinical care and the health of patients with chronic health conditions. My recent studies focus on understanding how to improve self-advocacy and self-management skills among adolescents and young adults with congenital heart disease to facilitate pediatric to adult healthcare transitions. I use patient-centered methods, such focus groups and interviews, to inform the design and development of interactive tools. The tools can range from pamphlets to interactive apps to support patients. Through this research, I hope to improve clinical care and the long-term health of people with chronic diseases.

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Current Projects


Navigating the EXperience of healthcare Transitions by helping Adolescents and Young Adults be Informed, Self-directed, and Empowered

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Understanding Self-Advocacy and Implications of Living with Congenital Heart Disease

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